The Spokesman-Review: Cantwell to Young Women Pursuing Leadership Roles: 'Our nation needs you … Don’t hesitate to think that you can lead' On International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the progress Maria has made uplifting women in Washington state and across the country… Edmonds Beacon: President signs Cantwell bill ensuring equal pay in sports - 'From here on out, when women win, they no longer have to worry that a men's team will still somehow be paid more.' – Sen. Maria Cantwell
✔️ Working with women entrepreneurs to grow more women-owned businesses ✔️ Expanding the Violence Against Women Act to protect the most vulnerable women ✔️ Leading the nation on paid family and medical leave -- Support Maria Cantwell’s campaign to keep her fighting for women across the country!




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States