Volunteers went down to Georgia!
Recently we sent out a Bat-Signal to RepresentUs volunteers and supporters like you to support our local partner Better Ballot Georgia. Together, we made calls to Georgia voters to rally support for a bill (HB200) that would allow Georgia cities to use Instant Runoff Voting.
I’m happy to report that our work was key to fighting off a major challenge to this bill and that there’s fresh momentum behind this campaign!
You helped get Georgia one step closer to a system that gives voters better choices and better representation — but that’s not the only campaign we’re actively working on! Join us virtually next Wednesday, March 15, at 7 PM ET/4 PM PT for a strategy update on what we’ve been up to this year.
You’ll hear from RepresentUs staff and our partners about how we’re mobilizing the pro-democracy movement across the country — and how you can get involved. RSVP now to grab your spot on The Optimist’s Guide to Fixing America: A quarterly strategy update with local campaigns!
Check out some stats on what our community achieved while helping keep the Georgia bill alive and kicking:
💥 22 national volunteers 📞 4,000 calls made to Georgia voters 📲 100,000 text messages sent to educate Georgians about this bill 🔥 400+ supportive responses from Georgia voters to contact their representatives
Here’s the deal. This is the kind of work that supercharges these campaigns and keeps them driving forward.
Without this volunteer power, and the support of our donors, corrupt special interests and establishment politicians call the shots as they just tried to do in Georgia.
This bill is part of a larger strategy that our movement is advancing in Georgia and across the country.
I hope you’ll join me next Wednesday to find out how this all fits together and the very next opportunity to get involved in campaigns that need your help.
We’ll email you first when we know more about how this campaign is moving forward and when you can dive in when it matters the most.
Thank you for all you do to protect democracy and stand up to corruption wherever it shows up.
Ben Levinsohn Mobilization Manager RepresentUs
P.S. Don’t worry if you can’t make it next week, this is just the first in a series of calls we’ll be holding to share strategic updates with you over the course of 2023. Keep an eye out for the next one!  |