FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March?8, 2023 Contact:?Brad Eggold,?DNR Great Lakes District Supervisor [email protected] or 414-303-0138
DNR To Host Second Public Meeting On Lake Michigan Lake Trout Population
 The DNR is hosting a series of four public meetings to present information and gather public feedback on the Lake Michigan lake trout population. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis.?? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today reminds the public of?the second meeting in a series of four public meetings of the Lake Michigan Lake Trout Commercial Harvest Stakeholder Group to present information and gather public feedback on the Lake Michigan lake trout population.
The second public meeting is on Monday, March 20 in Cleveland, WI, and all members of the public are welcome to attend and participate.
Following a summary of the first meeting, the focus of this meeting will shift to lake trout mass-marking and movement patterns in Lake Michigan. The public can join in-person or virtually by registering via Zoom.?More meeting information can be found on the DNR?s Lake Michigan Fisheries webpage, including a recording of the first meeting.
Additional opportunities to provide input on and learn about Lake Michigan?s lake trout population will take place at Lakeshore Technical College?s Lake Michigan conference room:
- Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 6 p.m. focused on Lake Trout Population and Forecast Models
- Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6 p.m. focused on Working Group Discussion and Input
You can find more information about these information sessions and public input opportunities on the DNR?s event webpage or the Lake Michigan fisheries webpage.
What:?Lake Michigan Lake Trout Commercial Harvest Stakeholder Group Meeting
When:?Monday, March 20 at 6 p.m.
Where:?In-person at Lakeshore Technical College or online via Zoom. Please register for the meeting using this link for both in-person and virtual options.
Join in-person at:
Lakeshore Technical College Lake Michigan Room 1290 North Ave. Cleveland, WI 53015