Did you get a chance to read the email below?

It may be lengthy – but it’s packed with important information about the consequences of the Democrats’ grossly irresponsible 2021 bill banning police from pursuing suspects fleeing the scene of a crime.

Well, TODAY is the last day for House Democrats to cooperate with Republican lawmakers and pass a bill reversing their terrible law. On behalf of rational Washingtonians everywhere, we here at Shift WA have a few demands of our own for Democrats:

1. Return the current bill to the original form, allowing for the police pursuit of suspects of car theft and not sunsetting it after two years – and PASS IT!
2. Demand that far-Left State Senator Manka Dhingra (D-Kirkland) schedule a committee hearing for the bill.
3. Secure an agreement that would ensure the bill is brought to a floor vote in the State Senate.

But that’s not all. We’re also demanding mainstream media outlets grow a backbone and call out Democrats specifically – not the “Legislature,” as they’ve been reporting – for the deeply flawed 2021 bill. Until that happens, Democrats will not feel the pressure – or the shame they so richly deserve – to take action.

We hope you will join us by supporting our organization – the only communications outlet delivering state news from a rational perspective – today!

Thank you,

The Shift WA team

Communities across our state have suffered the high cost of Democrats’ irresponsible 2021 bill. Despite the growing number of tragic incidents, many Democrats are still refusing to amend their law.
Shift Washington

TOMORROW is the last day for lawmakers in the State House to pass HB 1363, the amending bill to the catastrophic law passed by Democrats in 2021 banning police from pursuing criminals fleeing the scene of a crime.

As Shift WA reported, the original version of HB 1363 would have allowed police pursuits for any crimes given a reasonable suspicion a crime had been committed. Unfortunately for families across our state, the rationality behind that was a step too far for many House Democrats.

The current, watered-down version of the bill gives police the authority to pursue someone who they reasonably suspect of a violent crime, a sexual crime, vehicular assault, escape, DUI, and domestic violence. Notably, vehicular theft – a crime that has reached unprecedented levels in our state – was not included.

Communities across our state have suffered the high cost of Democrats’ irresponsible 2021 bill. Recently – in a truly tragic consequence – two foster children, an 8-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy, were killed by a driver who was speeding and allegedly driving under the influence. A mere hour before the crash, police clocked the speeding driver but could not pursue due to Democrats’ insane law.

Despite the growing number of tragic incidents, many Democrats are still refusing to amend their law. And mainstream media outlets are refusing to hold them accountable.

David Horsey, the editorial cartoonist for The Seattle Times, criticized the law in a recent piece. But – tellingly – he stopped short of calling out Democrats in particular. In the cartoon, Horsey refers to the “Legislature” saying it is not safe to pursue criminals. Of course, that’s not true. It’s not the “Legislature,” it’s Democrats.

Given the impending need for action, we here at Shift WA are demanding that House Democrats take three actions before tomorrow.

  1. Return the current bill to the original copy allowing for the police pursuit of criminals suspected of car theft and not sunseting after two years – and PASS IT!
  2. Demand that far-Left State Sen. Manka Dhingra (D-Kirkland) schedule a committee hearing for the bill.
  3. Secure an agreement that would ensure the bill is brought to a floor vote in the State Senate.

Innocent people will continue to suffer until Democrats’ irresponsible law is completely reversed. That means cooperation from Democrat lawmakers. And that cooperation requires the mainstream media grow a backbone and call out Democrats.

Until then, we here at Shift WA are doing our part to ensure the public knows what is going on with the police pursuit bill – and how Democrats are responsible for the death and destruction of lives that has followed it.

But we need your help. We hope you’ll help us continue our important work by contributing today!

As the only media outlets reporting news coming out of Olympia from a conservative perspective, our work must go on. We hope you will help today.

Thank you,

The Shift WA team