New caravan to test Trump efforts to curb illegal immigration
Jan 24th
A new caravan left Honduras last weekend in an attempt to cross Mexico and reach the U.S. border where caravan leaders hope the unauthorized migrants can take advantage of loopholes in U.S. law in order to stay and work legally in the U.S.
This is the largest group of people to begin the journey to the U.S. since most of Pres. Trump's policies and diplomatic efforts have been in place. Reports out of Mexico say that Mexican authorities have already approached the caravan, but only some members took advantage of their offer to be processed and considered for asylum. You can read more here.
Mexican Authorities Begin to Break up Newest Caravan
Should any of the unauthorized migrants successfully reach the U.S.-Mexico border, it will test the Trump Administration's efforts to keep asylum seekers in Mexico until their asylum hearing and test the safe-third-country agreements that the Department of Homeland Security has signed with Central American countries.
Pres. Trump trying to end Birth Tourism
The State Department announced a final rule yesterday in an effort to stop the industry known as Birth Tourism. You can read more here:
Trump Admin. Makes Efforts to Reduce Birth Tourism
Birth Tourism is a small industry where U.S.-based companies help foreign women who are pregnant come to the United States to give birth to children who would then receive automatic citizenship. This in turn creates a pathway for parents to eventually get legal permanent residency and lifetime work permits.
The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 33,000 children are born in the United States each year as a result of Birth Tourism.
The new rule allows consular officers to deny tourist and business visas to women whose primary purpose for visiting the United States is to give birth so their children can receive citizenship. Going forward, pregnant women attempting to enter the U.S. whose due date falls during the length of their visa will have to claim verifiable reason for their U.S. visit aside from giving birth.
Chris Chmielenski NumbersUSA Deputy Director |