
March 8, 2023

Dear John:


Last week, a CBO report confirmed that, despite the fact that the federal government is taxing Americans as much as ever, the government is spending way more than it makes. The net interest of our national debt will amount to a $10.5 trillion burden for taxpayers over the next decade.


It is time to get back on track. It is time for the government to be responsible about this country's finances to protect the American dream for current and future generations. House Republicans are committed to fighting inflation and lowering the cost of living and I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Budget Committee to restore fiscal sanity to the House.


Western Caucus Ag Summit & Field Tour

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I was able to participate in the Western Caucus' Agriculture Summit & Field Tour in Texas. We toured a vertical farm, I participated in a panel discussion on trade and moderated a panel discussion with ag industry representatives on their priorities, and of course we saw plenty of cattle. As was reinforced throughout the trip, food security is national security and Congress needs to support agricultural production across the country. The conversations we have in the field are critical to making legislation like the Farm Bill meaningful. Rural America faces similar issues and opportunities whether you're in Texas or Minnesota, and I look forward to bringing these lessons to Washington, D.C. as we continue work to write policies that work for farmers and ranchers.

REIN IN Inflation Act

In his first year in office, President Joe Biden issued more executive orders than any president since Gerald Ford. After two years, these policies have cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion dollars, and even more in the added cost of inflation. 

As the Republican majority works towards an economy that is strong and a government that is accountable, last week, the House voted on the REIN IN Inflation Act, requiring the administration to publish the inflationary impact of executive orders before enacting them. 

Under this bill, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors and Office of Management and Budget must prepare a report including the inflationary effects for any executive order with an estimated impact of at least $1 billion. The White House would then have to report these findings to Congress each year to increase transparency and accountability over executive actions.


Pushing back against reduction in milk allotment for WIC program

This week, I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, urging him to reconsider reductions to the milk allotments in USDA's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program from Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Dairy provides crucial nutrients to growing children and their mothers. With skyrocketing prices at the grocery store, this reduction will hurt either the physical or financial health of these individuals. There are several provisions in the new rule that strengthen the program, which I am happy to see, but I hope the administration will take these concerns seriously.


Coming Up...

The president is set to announce his budget on Thursday. He has already said he does not want to change anything, which is truly disappointing given all that we know about the reckless spending of this government. On Friday, the Ways & Means Committee is hosting a hearing with the Executive Branch's top economist, Department of the Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen. It's safe to say the committee will have some important questions for her if the president's budget doesn't include strategies to directly draw down inflation and start putting money back in the pockets of Americans.


As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great rest of your week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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