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Dear John,

A few days ago you should have received an email from Dan Adcock, the National Committee’s Director of Government Relations & Public Policy, asking for your feedback on our MEDICARE BENEFICIARY IMPACT SURVEY.

So far we have not received your response. If you’ve already taken our survey, thank you for your response. We are currently in the process of tabulating your survey so please disregard this email.

Personal views from older Americans like you are critical to the National Committee’s efforts to represent seniors’ interests and fight to protect your earned benefits at the national level. That’s why I’m reaching out to you personally today to ask if you will please answer the important questions on our Medicare survey.

Right now, the National Committee is actively working on behalf of you and millions of other older Americans who depend on Medicare to defend your earned benefits from dangerous deficit-driven proposals now gaining momentum in Congress.

Bottom line, older Americans should not have to choose between paying for health care, food or utilities. That’s why the National Committee is leading the charge in Washington for protecting and improving — not cutting — Medicare benefits and strengthening this program’s long-term solvency.

With threats to your earned benefits mounting in Washington, DC, it’s extremely important we hear from valued National Committee supporters like you as we work to represent your interests on Capitol Hill and hold the line on Medicare benefit cuts. So please take a moment to answer our MEDICARE BENEFICIARY IMPACT SURVEY now, which will help the National Committee fully understand your priorities and go to battle to defend Medicare from proposed cuts and radical “reforms.”



Max Richtman
President & CEO

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