Letter from the Mayor
 Mayor Muriel Bowser is creating a stronger, more resilient, connected, and equitable DC. To get a glimpse of the important work happening across all eight wards, read Mayor Bowser's "Letter to Washingtonians"?here.?
Letter from the Director
Greetings Service Ambassadors,
Happy Women's History Month!?
2023 - so far - has been filled with tremendous joy, terrific wins, and an inspiring look ahead towards what's to come.?
Last week, I testified before the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs for the Council of the District of Columbia on the last day of Black History Month.?
There, in front of Chairman White, I discussed the progress and performance of the office over Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023, to date.?
I was incredibly proud to share evidence of how we have crystalized the power and possibilities of our mission by bringing diverse constituent groups and resources to the table - connecting funding, knowledge, and service to residents, business leaders, and philanthropic entities alike - with the purpose of creating shared solutions for our city.?
As the Director of Serve DC there is nothing that makes me more proud than knowing that our collective actions support Mayor Bowser's commitment of actualizing our city's comeback by supporting opportunity-rich neighborhoods, impactful businesses, and thriving people. Our approach is fueled by this vision along with our ability to curate an energized civic ecosystem that connects each act of service from need to action in response to our city's greatest challenges and needs. Through grant funding, strategic philanthropic partnerships, volunteer and service opportunities, and targeted capacity-building and amplification, Serve DC continues to meet this moment in audacious, adaptive, and actionable ways.?
So, as we look forward towards the future, my staff and I are determined to continue to posture our time and efforts to serve as a connector, creator of service, community convener, capacity-builder and conductor of donations and resources that our city and residents - across all eight wards, deserve.?
I also want to personally invite you to attend our Women's History Month event tomorrow, March 9, at the National Building. More details below. We hope to see you there!?
In partnership and collaboration,
Alexis L. Squire
Director and Chief Service Officer
Sheroes: Stories of Service
 We invite residents of all ages to join us at our signature Women's History month event on Thursday, March 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the National Union Building as we celebrate the stories of service that help shape, protect, and power the District's comeback.
The discussion will feature leading women in public safety, public health, youth development, and the business community.??
 Last week, we were absolutely thrilled to join Mayor Bowser and the Deputy Mayor's Office on Planning and Economic Development as well as Destination DC and Events DC, for the press conference that revealed this year's peak bloom dates! Peak bloom, predicted for March 22 to March 25 in DC, is when 70 percent of the Yoshino cherry blossoms are predicted to open, and the dates are subject to change depending on the weather.
As the Mayor stated at the press conference, we are energized by the visitors that will be coming to our city to experience the cherry blossoms and we are eager to welcome them to experience DC!?
For more information about the National Cherry Blossom Festival, please visit nationalcherryblossomfestival.org?
 Serve DC has officially launched the application for the 2023-2024 AmeriCorps Formula Funding! In an effort to support all District-based organizations interested in building an AmeriCorps program, we hosted our AmeriCorps Formula Application Information session led by our very own National Service Director, Adam Lattimore. Welcome to the team, Adam!?
For more information, please email [email protected]
Groundbreaking and Launch of the Hydroponics +? Outdoor Classroom Initiative
 This week, Director Squire and members of our team attended the groundbreaking and launch of the Hydroponics + Outdoor Initiative at Anacostia High School!?
We were thrilled to support the students at Anacostia and witness the great collaboration happening between DC Public Schools, the University of the District of Columbia, the Department of Energy and Environment, and Pepco.?
Mayor Bowser's Signature HerStory 5K
 In celebration of Women's History Month, Mayor Bowser held the 5th annual FITDC HerStory 5K at Freedom Plaza. The race attracted thousands of District residents who came out to commemorate and honor the great things women have achieved in the District.?
The HerStory 5K, a part of citywide FITDC initiative, is designed to provide residents with a year-long calendar of cause-driven fitness events that evoke pride in the District and allow residents of all levels of fitnesses to unite in the spirit of living healthier and more active lifestyles.?
 Block by block, the Bowser Administration is working tirelessly to make our communities safer. If you?re taking an innovative approach to reducing gun violence in DC, the Building Blocks Spring Mini-Grant program is for you.
 Last week, DC Health announced that the District?s COVID Centers will close on March 31.The decision to close the COVID Centers comes after the District has experienced a significant drop in COVID-19 cases, high vaccination uptake, and an increase in the availability of vaccines and testing kits for at-home use. Similar actions are being taken at the federal level and by other jurisdictions around the nation.
For more information on COVID-19 testing and vaccinations, please visit cdc.gov/coronavirus
 DC residents may be eligible for a variety of tax credits, and Mayor Bowser wants to make sure that all Washingtonians are taking full advantage of them.?
For more information about tax credits, please visit irs.gov or eitc.dc.gov
For free tax services, click here.? |