Happy International Women’s Day, team!
From our nation’s beginning, women have had to fight for our place in democracy. We fought tirelessly for generations to secure the right to own property, to receive an education, and to vote.
Even in the NewDems Caucus, we’ve seen change in our member representation. Today, NewDems has nearly 40 women in our caucus, all leading the charge by flipping the most competitive seats in the nation and being the changemakers we need in Congress.
It’s easy to say that we’ve come a long way, but our fight for equality is never over. Paid parental leave, reproductive freedom, pay equity, and even having a balanced representation of women in public office are all benchmarks for progress we have yet to achieve. And here are NewDems, creating a strong, more equal nation is what we fight for every single day.
On this International Women’s Day, we’re reflecting on all of the work we’ve done and all that’s left to do to achieve gender equality in the US. It’s up to every single one of us to fight for a better future for women and girls.
Thank you,
Team NewDems