Hi John,

Yesterday the Government announced its 'Illegal Migration Bill'.

This Bill is cruel, unworkable and acts as a green light for anti-migrant hatred.

Last month we launched the campaign (below), raising the alarm about the Government enabling the far-right. Thousands of HOPE not hate supporters have joined so far, it would be great if you did too.



Nick Lowles, CEO HOPE not hate


Hi John,

Our researchers have recorded a shocking 102% rise in far-right, anti-migrant activism over the last year.

This doesn't happen in a vacuum, it has been facilitated and enabled by Government rhetoric, and we must do something about it.

After the horrific scenes at the riot in Knowsley last weekend, I need to be frank with you: Government rhetoric is enabling the far-right. Will you join me in doing something about it?


For too long John, successive Home Secretaries have used inflammatory language, parrotted far-right tropes and stirred up division in this country. Last year Suella Braverman spoke of an “invasion” - this is the language of the far-right.

This is happening at the expense of refugees and migrants who are now being targeted in their unsuitable temporary accommodation by emboldened far right activists. Patriotic Alternative are one such group: they whipped up tensions in Knowsley which turned into a riot last Friday.

That’s why HOPE not hate is calling on the Government to do three things, immediately:

  1. End the use of inflammatory language by the Government and the media which feeds and enables the far right.
  2. Make sure the Home Office puts the right safeguards in place for those in unsafe and unsuitable accommodation.
  3. Put together a long-term plan to provide suitable community-based accommodation for people seeking asylum, and to take action to address the backlogs that trap people in unsuitable accommodation where they become targets for hate.


We’re past the time of saying “enough is enough”. We’ve got to stand up, make ourselves heard and tell this Government to stop the anti-migrant rhetoric and start protecting asylum seekers.

After the events in Knowsley, and with more protests coming around the country, we need MPs to shape up and work together to provide fair treatment for those seeking refuge in the UK.

Together, we can all make a difference to stop division and hatred. 

Join the campaign.


Nick Lowles

CEO, HOPE not hate