Hi John,
Did you miss our Executive Director Erin in “The Abortion Debate in America”? No worries, there is still time to catch up! Erin did a fantastic job defending the right to abortion and all key tenets of the reproductive justice movement, emphasizing our belief in a future where “everyone has access to contraception and reliable evidence-based sex education and where everyone is free to raise families in safe and healthy communities.”
Missed the debate? You can watch it here.

Check Out What’s Going on This Month:

We can be our own abortion providers.
As we wait for the results of the case in Texas to determine the future of mifepristone, it is important to uplift the magic that is self-managed abortion. Information about self-managed abortion with pills belongs to all of us!
Learn more about self-managed abortion with pills now.
Self-care is an intentional practice that roots us in the present despite the oppression we may face. Regular self-care is essential for sustainable and effective activism.
Here are our self-care tips for March:
1. Restore your faith in humanity. The podcast is Finding Our Way with Prentis Hemphill. The guest is Sonya Renee Taylor. The episode is Season 1, Episode 1. Make a cup of your favorite tea, put on an eye mask - a cloth one to block out the light or one to treat your skin - and relax into it. – Evonnia, Movement Building and Research Manager
2. Write a letter to your future self! During undergrad, there were so many times I thought I couldn’t finish. Working full-time in the service industry and keeping up with school work felt impossible! A year in, I wrote a letter to myself from the point of view of already graduating. I read that letter every time I felt like quitting, and now, I’m doing the same thing as I study for the LSAT and work towards law school. Never underestimate the power of your own words to inspire you! Only you know what you really need to hear during tough times. – Annie, Campaign Fellow
3. Prioritize your rest! Rest is an important part of movement work and it can't be ignored or bargained with. Set a time frame for sleep and be consistent - this can help you sleep better at night and will reinforce your body's sleep-wake schedule. Even laying down with your eyes closed (no matter how long) is beneficial! Happy napping! -Nataley, Executive Assistant
See you next month!
In Solidarity,
Erin, Shireen, Elizabeth, Evonnia, Jacqueline, Jessica, Kara, Laila, Nataley, Negar, Annie, and the Reproaction team
P.S. Feeling lucky? Cast your bet on Reproaction! Give today to fund bold, direct work.