We’ll be delivering more than 3,000 Fossil Free Fairfax petitions to the Board of Supervisors on January 28, 4:30 p.m., at the Fairfax County Government Center.
This is the new Board of Supervisors’ first public hearing, and we want to show up in force to deliver our petitions and the message that we need bold, fast action to reverse climate change at every level of government. (Find more info about the Fossil Free Fairfax campaign here.)
RSVP to attend the public hearing with 350 Fairfax here or on Facebook. All you need to do is show up—in the Government Center lobby at 4:15 p.m. We already have speakers on the agenda for the public hearing. We just need a captive audience. We will provide 350 Fairfax signs and buttons.
The county is making a big first step toward tackling the climate crisis with its Community-Wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP). Our local leaders and CECAP Task Force members need to know that there is a broad constituency rallying behind them on ambitious climate action. Help us make our numbers known on January 28!
Don’t forget to RSVP for the public hearing!
Oh, and while I have your attention: Mark your calendar for our February 6 general meeting!
Charlie Forbes, Fairfax County’s chief of recycling, is returning to keep us up to date on the county’s plans for waste management in 2020 and beyond.
Find more details and RSVP for the general meeting here or on Facebook.
Stay warm!