If you follow the news, you know the 2024 political campaign is warming up. But you may not know that this cycle may be conservatives’ best chance for Senate pickups in years.
Liberal Democrat senators “representing” deep red conservative states will face voters across the country.
Sherrod Brown in Ohio. Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona. John Tester in Montana.
Want more?
How about West Virginia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and others?
The Republican Establishment is salivating at the prospect of a big election night for the GOP. But what they have in mind are more Mitch McConnells and Mitt Romneys – corporate yes-men, who care more about trade with China than securing our borders, more about hedge funds than the right to life.
Grassroots conservatives need to fight for these red-state Senate races, too. We have to find, fund, and nominate tough, principled patriots. We don’t have to settle for Washington’s candidates – we can produce our own.
Senate Conservatives Fund was made for an election cycle like this. We are already on the ground, recruiting and vetting candidates, helping conservatives prepare to win across the country in 2024.
We have the right policies. We have the right message. And we will have the best candidates.
But big maps require big war chests. Conservatives have to start amassing ours today if we want to take on the Establishment and incumbent liberals next year!
Please help us jump-start the 2024 election cycle with a generous contribution today!
You can donate as little as $5 or as much as $5,000 to SCF this year.
In the coming months, SCF will endorse the best and brightest conservative candidates running in these races. We will keep you appraised of their progress and give you opportunities to help take back the Senate for America.
So please support the Senate Conservatives Fund today!
By working together, we can change Washington by changing the people we send there.
Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to secure America's future.