Join virtually with consumer groups around the country to meet with members of Congress and their staff this April to alert them to the pressing needs of today’s consumers.
Consumer Advocacy Week—April 17th through April 21st—will kick off with an online training session on April 12th at 2 p.m. (ET) covering key consumer protection issues and how to lobby.
Please register here to virtually lobby your lawmakers on behalf of your community.
Consumer Action is once again a proud cosponsor of Consumer Advocacy Week. This year we will focus on supporting two critically important consumer protection agencies:
• Defending the independence of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
• Advocating for a strong Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to share your availability for meetings. Please fill out your availability as soon as you can.
Please register for Consumer Advocacy Week today.
Here’s the link:
Questions? Please contact Consumer Federation of America’s Rachel Gittleman at [email protected] or 609-571-5953.