
Congressional threats to independent contracting in America are back. Democrats in the Senate and House leadership just revived the job-killing PRO Act. We must stand up for freelance workers!

Committees in both the U.S. House of Representatives just reintroduce the Protecting the Right to Organize Act. 
As you know, new restrictions in the PRO Act would cause millions of independent professionals and workers to lose their independent contractor status. Over 60 million people in America freelance today. They choose to do so for flexibility, greater income, more control over their future, to be their own boss, to pursue fulfilling work, or because they have health issues that prevent them from working in a traditional job setting. However, independent contractors cannot be unionized because they are not employees–and that’s something that union bosses just can’t tolerate. We must protect freelancers!
Lawmakers like Senator Bernie Sanders and President Joe Biden are motivated to boost union membership, which has been declining for years, and union revenues by reclassifying independent contractors as employees. They will disregard the preferences of hardworking Americans who prefer an independent status. 

Tomorrow, Senator Sanders is planning to hold a hearing in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to discuss worker organizing. Your voice in support of independent contractors at this hearing will be critical. 
Yours in the fight for freelance!
Patrice Onwuka