$5 in donations = 1 chance to win
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Texas Tough Tickets Drawing

True Texas Project's Brazos satellite location wants to thank you for your support.  For every $5 in donations, you'll be entered for one chance to win two general admission tickets to Texas Tough.  All donors are eligible, no matter what part of Texas you call home!  A drawing will take place April 1st via a live Facebook event to name the lucky recipient of this gift.!    This is great deal anyway you slice it! 

What is Texas Tough?  It's TTP's annual fundraising gala, celebrating Tough Texans and those who won Texas Independence at the battle of San Jacinto in 1836.  The evening features an elegant dinner, keynote speaker, Kari Lake, MC'd by Patriot Academy's Rick Green, live music, dancing, fireworks, and a chance to shoot the Twin Sisters Cannons.  Visit the True Texas Project website for full details.

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