![]() Patriot, First, they deceived us. Then they lied. Now they’ve moved onto trying to cover their tracks and point fingers. You see, in 2020, when the plague of Covid-19 swept across the world, it was forbidden to consider the possibility the virus was created in, and leaked from, a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology . . . where mad scientists performed gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube banned people who dared suggest a lab leak. They “fact checked” anyone who questioned the government narrative. They fed us a steady stream of articles and videos from scientists who agreed the virus evolved all by itself, without a human hand. The globalists even turned on their own. When comedian Jon Stewart joked that science was needed to address a crisis caused by science, he was immediately branded a conspiracy theorist and an anti-Asian racist. (Apparently the belief the virus emerged from bats being sold for human consumption at a filthy Chinese wet market was the “non-racist” view.) Today, of course, the majority of researchers, as well as the FBI and Department of Energy, believe the most likely origin of the disease that killed millions of people and destroyed liberty across the world was . . . a leak from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology . . . where mad scientists performed gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. And Patriot, all indications clearly show the U.S. government was directly and extensively involved in creating
this virus, in cooperation with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. So how did we get to this point? It now appears the reason the research was conducted in China was precisely to circumvent American law which placed a moratorium on gain-of-function research at DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. A recently-leaked 2021 report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow, confirms what we’ve said all along. According to Murphy, EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct gain of function research of bat-borne coronaviruses. DARPA rejected the proposal, named Project Defuse, over safety concerns and because it violated the gain of function research moratorium. But, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, picked up the project and proceeded to fund EcoHealth and their research in Wuhan AND at several sites across the U.S. Fauci lied to
Congress when he claimed under oath that the NIH and NIAID have not been involved in gain of function research with the EcoHealth Alliance
program. The leaked documents clearly state why EcoHealth Alliance’s proposal was originally rejected: because DARPA classified the research as gain-of-function. How can anyone who realizes this not be beyond furious? Those who committed and covered up these atrocities – including Anthony Fauci in his role authorizing these mad-scientist experiments and lying to Congress about them and Peter Dazsak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance – should be brought to justice. And taxpayer-funded gain-of-function research must be banned once and for all. DEMAND CONGRESS BAN TAXPAYER-FUNDED GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH
It wasn’t just China performing these mad experiments. It was paid for by the American taxpayers, under the authority of Anthony Fauci. And millions of people paid the ultimate price. And of course, for those who survived, the carnage is endless. There aren’t words to describe how Covid damaged us all. The lockdowns that destroyed the American work ethic and drove people to drugs, alcohol, and suicide. The school closures that stunted our children’s growth. The humiliating mask mandates. And of course, the second act: the experimental gene therapy drugs called vaccines, that cost people their lives and their livelihoods, as we still grapple to understand the extent of their dangerous side effects. The results of this gain-of-function experiment killed our families, our freedoms, and it has nearly killed our country. And those behind the gain-of-function research haven’t even been held accountable. It’s intolerable that Congress has still failed to act to BAN these mad-scientist experiments that started it all. DEMAND CONGRESS BAN TAXPAYER-FUNDED GAIN-OF-FUNCTION
RESEARCH Patriot, their silence and their inaction is their complicity. We must demand our lawmakers do their job. Will they go beyond investigations and actually hold those responsible – and who lied to Congress and the American people – accountable? Or will Fauci and his co-conspirators just be added to the list of elites who are allowed to lie and get away with it? A moratorium on gain-of-function research in America is not enough. We’ve seen how EcoHealth Alliance simply offshored their most dangerous experiments to Communist China using taxpayer dollars. We need a total ban on taxpayer-funded gain-of-function research, before the next disaster wipes out the entire human race. No direct funding. No funding to organizations who then give out taxpayer money in the form of sub-grants. Take a moment right now to tell your representative and senators to BAN taxpayer-funded gain-of-function. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work and mobilize more patriots. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over us for far too long. You and I must demand they hold those who caused the plague accountable and prevent it from ever happening again. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against tyrannical Covid policies – and demand those who lied to the American people about it are held accountable. You and I must keep the pressure on Congress to uncover the lies and find the truth – and stop the next catastrophe before it starts! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. It only takes a moment to sign your petition and we will deliver it for you. Make your voice heard! Click here to send your petition and DEMAND Congress BAN taxpayer-funded gain-of-function research. And if you can, please make a generous donation to support our work. The elitists – elected and unelected – have run roughshod over We, the People, for far too long. You and I must demand full accountability. With your help, Campaign for Liberty can activate more liberty-minded Americans to fight back against our dangerous government. Whether you can donate $5,000 or $500 or $50, or something in between, today, it will help us keep up the pressure on Congress to do the right thing. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |