I wanted to personally make sure that you received an invitation to join RepresentUs, Democracy Rising, and Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center on March 14 at the New America Headquarters in Washington, DC. We’ll be hosting the Protect the Win Symposium, where are launching a new Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) implementation resource for advocates!

We collaborated for the past year to produce a comprehensive guide detailing how to go from a campaign win to your first RCV Election Day and beyond! We’re so excited to finally be able to share this vital resource.
The Protect the Win Symposium will feature three expert panel discussions focused on different parts of the project. The panels will address:
- legal and political challenges,
- communications and voter and candidate education, and
- election administration and technical implementation.
We hope you’ll join us! Just be sure to please register using this link. Registration is free, but seating is limited. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Register early to reserve your spot, and feel free to share with your team or others who may be interested in coming along too.
Please note: New America requires proof of two COVID vaccinations and two boosters to attend in person.
See you there!

Dave O'Brien Policy Counsel RepresentUs