Over 100,000 March for Life in D.C., Join Us at Texas Capitol Tomorrow

This week marked the 47th anniversary of the disastrous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide, resulting in the death of over 62 million preborn babies. Today, hundreds of thousands of Americans will be marching in Washington, D.C. at the National March for Life. President Donald Trump, who declared Jan. 22 'National Sanctity of Human Life Day' this week, is the first U.S. President to speak at the March. You can watch a live steam here.

In Texas, we continue the momentum in building a culture of life with a goal of ending abortion. We are proud to have helped pass pro-life bills at the Texas Capitol, including the Sonogram Bill, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, and numerous other efforts that stopped taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, including SB 22 from this past session. Tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 25 we will be joining with thousands of pro-life Texans for the annual Texas Rally for Life at the Texas Capitol from 1 – 4 PM. Please make plans to join us and stop by our table.



Texas Values Action Releases Additional 2020 Primary Election Endorsements

Another great way to make a difference for life is to support pro-life candidates across Texas in the March 3 Republican Primary Election. Texas Values Action began releasing Congressional endorsements this week and additional State House and local endorsements. In the face of increasing attacks on life and religious liberty, the 2020 Elections offer a great opportunity for Texans to elect principled conservative candidates who will fight for faith, family, and freedom at all levels of government.

Texas Values Action only endorses candidates who demonstrate a firm commitment to protecting religious liberty, marriage and family, and innocent human life. Congressional endorsements announced this week include:

CD 1: Louie Gohmert
CD 3: Van Taylor
CD 4: John Ratcliffe
CD 6: Ron Wright
CD 11: Jamie Berryhill
CD 21: Chip Roy
CD 22: Kathaleen Wall
CD 25: Roger Williams

Additional endorsements will be issued for the March 3 Republican Primary. Endorsement announcements will be updated throughout the 2020 election season on our website.



Barbara Cargill Joins Program

On a recent edition of the Texas Values Report, Texas State Board of Education Member Barbara Cargill joined our own Mary Elizabeth Castle to explain how the SBOE updates its standards for curriculum and what to expect in the coming year. There's going to be lots of headlines coming from the SBOE in 2020, so be sure to tune in and get informed now. Learn more about how you can help here. You can watch and or listen to the show.

HD 28 Special Election Voter Guide

Republican Gary Gates, endorsed by Gov. Abbott, and Democrat Elizabeth Markowitz, endorsed by Planned Parenthood and LGBT organizations, are running for the chance to fill the open seat in HD 28, vacated when State Rep. John Zerwas (R-Richmond) resigned. HD 28 is in Fort Bend country and includes portions of the southwest Houston suburbs. Make sure you view our HD 28 Voter Guide, powered by iVoterGuide. TODAY is the last day to early vote before election day on Tuesday. View Guide.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220