Dear patriot, The impeachment
trial is underway in the Senate, and whatever happens, I’m certain Deep State agents like Peter Strzok are tickled pink at what they’ve
been able to accomplish targeting the president. They now wield massive snooping powers seen only
in authoritarian governments. And the scariest part is, the temptation to abuse them won’t
stop at dragging the nation through this impeachment trial. The FBI and their Deep State pals can
and have used their ability to conduct surveillance operations and spy on the personal, private communications against ordinary American citizens
who’ve committed no crime. Me for
example! I guess I’m their enemy because I support freedom and oppose
unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats lurking in the shadows calling the shots in the country.
So, it’s not surprising the FBI would put Campaign for Liberty on a political enemies list as recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents
indicate. My good friend, trusted adviser, and C4L President Norm Singleton wrote you yesterday
about how you and I can put a stop to Deep State spying abuses like this. That’s why it’s critical you cosign the letter to Senate
Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham insisting he hold hearings to investigate Deep State spying abuses -- starting with the FBI spying on
Campaign for Liberty. I requested Norm report to me tonight how many Campaign for Liberty
supporters have signed their names to my letter. So when I speak to Norm tonight, I hope he tells
me your name is on the list! patriot, this showdown over PERMANENT reauthorization of the
so-called “USA Freedom Act” is on deck in just weeks, and I’m ready for some major political
payback. Can you imagine the priceless looks on the faces of all
those Peter Strzok-like agents who want to see our Liberty Movement DESTROYED, when we block reauthorization of the surveillance state’s crown
jewel? And our chances will only be better if we can force Congress to fully investigate Deep
State spying abuses. But it’s critical you sign your name to the letter right away,
DEMANDING Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hold hearings and expose Deep State spying abuses right as the battle over reauthorization
comes to a head. The good news is, Deep State apologists in BOTH parties, from Senator Graham to
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), are growing squeamish about reauthorization. They know
there’s abuse and that -- despite the Deep State’s promises -- domestic government spying has never done anything to catch a terrorist. Instead, the FBI abuses its snooping power to further Deep State coups and target organizations like
Campaign for Liberty for intimidation. Senator Graham recently said, "It’s
as if J. Edgar Hoover came back to life . . . The old FBI — the FBI that had a chip on its shoulder and wanted to intimidate
people." Well, I say J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI never went away.
I say, the FBI and their Deep State allies have run rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long
enough. It’s time to take the power back -- and that begins by demanding Senator Graham put his money where his mouth
is and hold hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee. So please, sign your name alongside mine to
EXPOSE the Deep State’s spying abuses, starting with the FBI spying on Campaign for Liberty.
And after you have, please help me gather as many signatures as possible by chipping in with a generous contribution of $7,
$10, $25, $50, or more to force Lindsey Graham to put his money where his mouth is and expose Deep State spying abuses!
Please act at once. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. I’m counting on your support to help show Senator Graham and every Deep State apologist in Congress that the Deep State spying on
law-abiding Americans is unacceptable. I asked C4L President Norm Singleton to
report tonight on how many patriots have already signed the letter DEMANDING hearings, and I hope to see your
name. Knowing you’re on board will help me plan
the most effective strategy and mobilization programs to expose Deep State spying abuse and put a halt to their unconstitutional surveillance
programs. So please sign your name right away. Click here to sign your name with mine |