Jobs With Justice

Dear John,

A couple months ago we wrote to you about the launch of our new partnership with FreeWill to bring you a 100% free way to prepare for your future and ensure your values live on for future generations.

This week I’m writing to you as I move on from Jobs With Justice after 22 years with the organization and 12 years as Executive Director. It’s been a pleasure to lead this amazing network, and I’m proud to say that today I’ve made a personal commitment to continuing our work for generations to come by writing Jobs With Justice into my will.

I hope you will join me in becoming a member of Jobs With Justice’s Legacy Circle to ensure that Jobs With Justice has the resources it needs to continue its powerful campaigns into the future.

A planned gift, or bequest, is one of the most impactful ways to commit to your values of social and economic justice for future generations. We are in the fight of our lives to make sure that all working people have what they need to thrive, and we all know that fight will not end in our lifetimes or anytime soon. So please, join me in making a planned gift today.

I know that Jobs With Justice will continue being a powerful worker’s rights organization long after I am gone, and I am inviting you to share in our vision by investing today. Together we will put our values into action and create the future we envision for our children, friends, families and neighbors.

Nothing is set in stone. Just get started today, and you can come back to finish or update at any time.

Thank you, now and always, for being a staunch supporter of Jobs With Justice.

In Solidarity,
Sarita Gupta
Jobs With Justice

P.S. Everyone needs a legal will, but fewer than 30% of people have one because it can seem scary, complicated, or expensive. FreeWill takes 20 minutes or less and is a great way to make a lasting contribution without spending anything today. Your will can be updated or changed at any time!


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