Episode 147 uploaded March 5: What’s happening in Florida to education under fascist governor Ron
DeSantis, and how are students responding and resisting? Sam Goldman interviews Rafael Kadaris, a correspondent on the Revolution Nothing Less Show. Articles and resources he mentions can be found at Ben and Stephanie are student organizers with Stand For Freedom
Florida (on Instagram at @standforfreedomfl).
Recommended reading: For more on HB 999, read Michelle Goldberg’s recent piece for the NYT: Florida Could Start Looking a Lot Like Hungary

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Rafael Kadaris:
There is a nationwide fascist assault on education...First of all, resist this fascist assault on education. Defy these laws. More and more people are standing up and resisting these fascists, but also more and more people are learning the real truth that these fascists are trying to suppress.
If this bill (HB999) goes through, nobody can major in gender studies. What he's done is dehumanize the LGBTQ community and now he's proposing to not let people learn about how he dehumanizes them.
Stephanie: the conservative legislatures' efforts to prevent whatever left wing or liberal indoctrination they see going on. they are absolutely demolishing any semblance of viewpoint and diversity that is going on in higher education and middle school, and high school and elementary school wiping it clear in the opposite direction. So if they believe that indoctrination is going on now, it really will be when they wipe everything else clean. And there's not even a veil of effort to make some sort of middle ground happen. It's a pretty blatant act of wanting only what the government sees to be true as being what's taught in schools.
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March 8: Raise the Green Bandana on International Women’s Day
Right now, a Trump-appointed federal judge is being asked to take one
of the most common abortion medications off the market nationwide.
Will you silently adjust to another leap
in the drive to force women back into open patriarchal subordination by
using the state to force them to have children against their will?
Will you comfort yourself in this acquiescence with the misplaced hope that this assault will stop here? It won’t!
Or will you resist?
Will you stand with women around the world rising up for their rights and their lives?
Protests: Wednesday March 8
Austin: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Sit-In 4 Abortion Rights at State Capitol
Chicago: 3:00 pm Rally + March- meet at S. State St. & W. Jackson Blvd.
Honolulu: 5:00 pm on Waikiki in front of Honolulu Zoo Rally/March
Los Angeles: 5:00 pm at UCLA Bruin Walk + march thru Westwood
Miami: 3:00 pm Press Conf + Photo op Die-In at the Torch of Friendship, 301 Biscayne Blvd.
New York City: 5:00 pm Union Square @14th Street; march to Walgreens
Orange County CA: 12:00 pm Rally at Cal State Fullerton at the Becker Amphitheater
Philadelphia: 4:00 pm Gather at the Liberty Bell for March 5:00 pm Rally at City Hall
and Sunday March 12 New York City: 1:00 pm, Union Square @17th Street
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