We’re just three weeks into 2020, and already there’s so much happening in our government and news cycle that can have grave impacts on our communities, country, and world as we know it.
Whether it’s military conflict with Iran, the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, continued attacks on Roe v. Wade, or the apocalypse-like impacts of climate change with Australia on fire and a series of earthquakes striking Puerto Rico -- there’s a lot happening, and it’s a lot to process.
We at VL are gearing up for the 2020 election this November, and we want to ensure we keep up with the issues that most concern you along the way.
So, will you take a minute to complete our quick January 2020 Survey?
As we work to register 1 million new Latinx voters over the next ten months, we need to know what issues have you most fired up and ready to make change come Election Day.
Francoise Stovall
Acting Vice President of Digital, Voto Latino