Getting Americans to TELL their reps what they want
We must tell our reps what we want. And have to tell them in a way that they hear and consider the request.
Said differently, the politicians are not the main problem.
The primary problem is the passivity of the American populace.
Most human beings have far more energy for complaining than they do for taking simple actions that could cause real change. THIS is the main problem you and I must overcome. Well...
We now have a new tool that could help us do just that
Jim has a great podcast called Gracearchy with Jim Babka. In the latest episode, host Bill Protzmann interviews Jim about Downsize DC's three bills, all of which have just been reintroduced in the Senate - the Read the Bills Act, the One Subject at a Time Act, and the Write the Laws Act.
I think this is the single best presentation I've ever seen about how to...
- Control Congress
- Get Congress to do good things
- Pass high-leverage legislation that will change the political landscape, and put you in the driver's seat
That means...
This episode of Gracearchy is a powerful tool you can use to introduce your friends to our three bills, and to get them to take simple actions that will cause real change. Please watch or listen and then share it with others. Real change is possible.
In addition to YouTube, above, the show is also always updated on these five podcasting platforms: Pandora * Stitcher * iHeart * Google Podcasts * Spotify
Today, we're featuring this episode on this podcasting platform...