Friends and fellow patriots,
I was reprimanded by one of those establishment types for letting loose on our county judge and commissioners. I guess my last email calling them filthy pigs was too salty for him. (He was clearly not aware of the choice words I'd deleted)! Prior to the email offering his unsolicited advice, I received over a dozen emails from you guys thanking me, so who to listen to??? Hmmm...
We've now received two excuses for why our County Commissioners and County Judge voted to bring in more refugees. First, they insist we need more refugees because they come with federal funding. What a short-sighted budget plan. We already know they cost us more than the federal government will ever pay because the vast majority never assimilate and stay on welfare for life. And let's not forget the fact that FEDERAL DOLLARS ARE STILL OUR OWN MONEY BEING USED!!!!!!!! GEEZ...who elects these filthy pigs??? (Oops. I said it again.) Sorry. Not sorry.
And for the second excuse given, well, get a load of this...
If you've contacted your Tarrant County Commissioner to complain about them asking for more refugees in spite of Gov Abbott's wishes and in spite of the wishes of the general public, you may have received one of those replies politicians LOVE... the kind that sound just logical enough to get you to shut up.
The problem is they make no sense and crumble upon inspection.
The one we are hearing is that they HAD to vote yes in asking for refugees. Why? Because if they didn't, and if Abbott's refusal is reversed, then Tarrant County may receive refugees and not get federal dollars for them.
So...hmmm...refugees are just going to randomly show up on Tarrant County's doorstep without knowledge or consent or planning by our county leadership? Seriously? That's the fear?
If our commissioners have that little authority and that little knowledge of how to use it... if they are making decisions based on fear... if they are not willing and capable to get the answers needed to combat that fear... if they do not understand states' rights...if they are not there to fight on our behalf...
Don't you feel like we're in good hands?
And yes, Commissioners and County Judge, I will continue to harp on this and I will continue to urge folks to contact you until you retract that ridiculous request and state that Tarrant County will not take any more refugees.
Folks -- you know as well as I do, bringing in foreigners who will not assimilate and who will remain on welfare for life, who will bring in additional family members, who will have babies that get automatic citizenship and can then bring in more family, is not a sustainable plan. It is the #1 cause of America's downfall (other than spiritual warfare of course). Did we learn nothing from history?
If you've already contacted them, contact them again. If you've not already contacted them, no time like the present!
Tarrant County Commissioners
Phone: 817-884-1111 or 817-884-1195
Precinct 1 – Roy Charles Brooks
[email protected]
Precinct 2 – Devan Allen
[email protected]
Precinct 3 – Gary Fickes - (This is NE Tarrant)
[email protected]
Precinct 4 – J.D. Johnson [email protected]
County Judge Glen Whitley - 817-884-1441 or contact form at…/coun…/contact-us-form.html
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project
PS. I'm seeing red!!! Did you know the salary of a County Commissioner is $172,000??? That's just $2000 less than our US Senators make, except our US Senators represent our entire state while our commissioners only represent 1/4 of our county! Wow!
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