Hi John,
I've been hard at work!

Passing bills that tighten up our elections and get rid of bad ideas like Ranked Choice Voting. 

Using the Elections Committee to surface key testimony and information, so that the public may know how bad the fraud in our elections has been. 

This is Wendy Rogers, and I have been working hard and standing strong for election integrity! If you want to show the politicians that we need more of me in Arizona, support me today!

The Arizona Republican Assembly ranks state legislators on their voting records. And I was the #1 Senator!
I know all too well what it's like to believe in a Republican politician, thinking they are based, and they wind up selling out. Happens all the time. 

But I'm not one of them. I keep my promises, I take bold stands and actions, I vote right and I'm changing the conversation in Arizona. 

The Arizona Republic HATES me. That should tell you everything you need to know! 

I am Enemy #1 of the Left and their media allies. I'm doing everything I can to secure our elections, setting an example for the rest of the country!

You are the critical piece of this. They listen to me, maybe even fear me, because I have YOUR support. Without you, I can't do what I do!

You are really the one they fear- and that's how it should be. Help me and let's finish this job!

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. Arizona is paying attention to how well I can raise money - and how many patriots can support me. Will you help me show them how serious we are about election integrity?

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
Copyright © 2023 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.

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