Freedom is not passed through the bloodstream. We must carry the torch.
President Reagan noted freedom is always one generation away from extinction, that it is not passed through the bloodstream.
Governor Ron DeSantis is carrying the torch of liberty so that Florida will always stay a free state and so it may serve as a blueprint for the nation.
On the issues that matter most, the Governor has stood up to the woke mob: law-and-order, parental rights in education, protecting a free and vibrant economy.
He has made it known that, in Florida, our freedoms are not up for grabs. He has stood strong, for us.
Florida's battle-tested blueprint for governance has produced tangible results for the people of Florida – and in Florida, we are not backing down. We have only just begun to fight.
On Sunday, Governor DeSantis stated his devotion to keeping Florida free at the Ronald Reagan Library:
“Many people think that America’s best days are behind us, but I think Ronald Reagan provides a great example of this. The 1970’s were a period where people were saying the same thing: They said we were in an age of limits, and we just had to be satisfied with sub-optimal results... Well, Ronald Reagan rejected that. He believed in what America was founded on, very deeply... He also rejected the idea that soviet communism was something that we just had to co-exist with. His policy was very simple: we win and they lose.
President Reagan showed us that decline is a choice. He showed us that success is attainable, and he showed us that freedom is worth fighting for...
Fight we must to preserve this freedom. We must embrace the founding creed of our country, that our rights come not from the courtesy of the state, but from the hand of the Almighty...
We reject, as President Reagan did, the idea that self-government can be subcontracted out to a technocratic elite and a far-distant capitol or even a place like Davos, Switzerland. We must insist on the restoration of time-tested constitutional principles so that government by and for the people shall not perish from the Earth. It falls to people like us in Florida, and the freedom-loving people in California and all throughout our country to preserve what the founder of our country called the sacred fire of liberty...”
As we stand for that vision of freedom, the Left will continue to attack us. But we must never back down.
Florida is proof positive that We the People are not powerless in the face of these elites.
It’s our duty to fight for freedom, and we’re counting on you to stand with us, John.