The City of La Verne, a relatively small city in Eastern Los Angeles County is under the ridiculous illusion that if they make responsible gun owners undergo psychological screening AND pay over $1,00

The City of La Verne, a relatively small city in Eastern Los Angeles County is under the ridiculous illusion that if they make responsible gun owners undergo psychological screening AND pay over $1,000 for a CCW permit, that they will somehow put a dent in their local crime rate.  What a way to step in the bogus muck of gun control.  Read the story below on this blatantly punitive maneuver to stick it to gun owners – even the City of Los Angeles doesn’t punish applicants like that!

And things are really amping up in the Legislature and GOC’s Sam Paredes’ cowboy boots are on the ground at the Capitol, working to defend the Second Amendment.  Last week, he testified in the Assembly Public Safety Committee in opposition to AB 92 (Connolly) which as introduced, placed tough prohibitions on the sale of body armor – which is covered by the 2A.  Check out Sam’s testimony HERE (at the 1:23 time stamp) and as a follow-up, read the piece by Red State.

They give solid credit to GOC for stating that we “set the strawman arguments aflame…”  and that we had laid out “the constitutional right to protection upheld by United States Supreme Court decisions such as 2008’s Heller decision, and the more recent 2022 Bruen decision.”   Thankfully, AB 92 was significantly watered down, but we remain in strong opposition to a similar bill, AB 301 (Bauer-Kahan). Follow along legislatively with GOC HERE.




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CA City to Charge More Than $1,000 for Gun Carry Permits | The Reload
This is downright embarrassing – and revolting.

CA Legislature Pulls Two Backdoor Gun Control Bills | Red State
GOC’s letters of opposition are cited – solid.

Bay Area Gun Store Owner Asks The Important Question | Bearing Arms
Gun control isn’t about safety – it’s about control.

Homebrewed Shooting Range Under Gang Member’s House | The Truth About Guns
In Fontana – more evidence that criminals simply do not follow laws.

Another Major Poll Shows Increasing Popularity Of MSRs | NSSF
Again, not a surprise to GOC.

Given the Uproar, How Powerful Are AR Rifles? | Reason
Good question!  About the same as other rifles.

Another 1.3 Million Guns Sold in Feb| The Truth About Guns
Sorry not sorry.

How Americans Are Taught to Hate Guns and Gun Owners | The Truth About Guns
Great piece illustrating how the anti-gun propaganda machine works. 

Biden: ‘We’re Gonna Ban Assault Weapons, Come Hell or High Water,’ | AmmoLand
And GOC/GOA/GOF will vow to fight any such ban!

Republican Rep. Introduces Bill to End FBI/ATF 'No Knock Raids' on Gun Owners | Breitbart
Great! Federal agents should not be able to do no-knock raids on law-abiding gun owners.

Activist David Hogg: Americans 'Have No Right to a Gun' | Breitbart
He is historically very ignorant.

Major Financial Institution to Track Retail Gun Purchases Soon | Townhall
As Rep Any Biggs said, “We are headed towards a surveillance state and we need to wake up.”



Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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