
Let’s face it––Drag Queen Story Hour sounds like an event one would expect at an adult-only night club, not an event targeted at children and held at public libraries across the nation, including Texas.

Tragically, this dangerous trend––cheered on by the American Library Association––is only the tip of the iceberg of what’s being done right now to our kids.

Pre-teens play-acting skits about their preferred form of sodomy. Classroom indoctrination in pro-transgender dogma. And drag queens teaching propaganda to children.

And not just in New York or California, mind you. In Texas. Right now.

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In Austin, the school district was all-set to adopt a Sex-Ed curriculum called “Get Real”––from none other than Planned Parenthood––which, among other outrages...

  • Encourages students to engage in sexual “role-play”, including lesbianism.
  • Promotes "transgenderism" and homosexuality as early as elementary school.

The conflict over this “curriculum” is ongoing. Texas Values has led the effort to expose the dangers of this curriculum and lead local opposition. It is now coming to a head with a new law we championed at the Texas Capitol––SB 22, prohibiting local governments from doing business with abortion providers, like Planned Parenthood.

If the words Planned Parenthood seem to crop up more and more, it’s for a reason: Planned Parenthood is teaming up with LGBT radicals on sex education to recruit future abortion customers.

But it’s not just in Austin.

In Dallas, a library recently held a Drag Queen Story Hour where children “...interact with these fabulous ladies” who were actually employees of a nearby adult night club.

In Houston, additional planned events only failed to materialize when news surfaced that the scheduled “performers” were registered sex offenders. 

In Leander, only community outrage we helped organize stopped a Drag Queen Story Hour––but a pro-homosexual "church" held another pro-LGBT event in a rented room instead.

And at the State Board of Education, Leftist groups are demanding ‘Ban the Bible’ style “sexual orientation and gender identity” language be added to sex education in Texas public schools––impacting millions of Texas children.

Help us equip commonsense Texans with the Truth>>>

In Texas, one voice consistently rises from the trenches, the hearings, the Texas Capitol and State Board of Education––and in the headlines as the leading mouthpiece for Texas’ core values. One group that marshals concerned Texans into supporting specific solutions.

Yes, that’s Texas Values. I’m humbled to lead this wonderful organization. If you want an immediate and effective response to stop this indoctrination from reaching every corner of Texas, please give Texas Values your immediate support.

The work of our dedicated team of policy and legal experts depends on the sacrificial generosity of friends like you. Will you rise above summer’s distractions and make your gift of $50, $100, $1,000 or more today?

Every dollar you send will immediately help stop this insanity––and defend our precious children.


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values, All rights reserved.
