
We need to flip Senate seats in Ohio, West Virginia, and Montana next year. If we do, Republicans will win back control of the U.S. Senate.

John, it's time for Red States to have Republican senators. It's time to stop the disastrous Biden-Harris agenda and get America back on track. It's time to Secure the Senate!

Even the mainstream media understands the importance of these seats. Take a look at what POLITICO recently said:


President Trump won these three states in 2020 because they are solidly red. They should be represented by Republican senators with conservative values. If you'll help early so our candidates don't get massively outraised again, we can win these seats!

 Secure the Senate  → 

My goal is to send early and sustained support to the Republicans fighting in Ohio, West Virginia, and Montana so they can boldly stand up to the Democrats' disastrous agenda. The Left significantly outraised our Senate candidates in 2022, but I'm determined not to let that happen again in 2024.

John, will you help consider making a contribution of $10, $25, or $50 that will go directly to the campaigns of our Republican nominees in Ohio, West Virginia, and Montana?

We can't Secure the Senate, grow our House majority, or take back the White House without you, John.

My Republican colleagues and I are working to block as much of the dangerous Biden-Harris agenda, but we need more support in the Capitol.  Will you help us flip these red seats?


Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham

P.S. John, Democrats know their control of the Senate is hanging by a thread. Electing a Republican majority to the U.S. Senate is our only way to block their socialist agenda.  Can I count on you to contribute $10 or more to flip these seats?

 Secure the Senate  → 

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