Lobster Stakeholders, Maine DMR is hosting public hearings this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4pm to gather public input on Draft Addendum XXVII, which considers measures to increase protection of the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank (GOM/GBK) lobster spawning stock. Lobster Draft Addendum XXVII:
The American Lobster Management Board initiated Addendum XXVII in 2017 as a proactive measure to improve the resiliency of the GOM/GBK stock, responding to signs of low levels of settlement since 2012. Work on this addendum was paused due to the prioritization of work related to North Atlantic right whales. The Board reinitiated work on Draft Addendum XXVII in February 2021, and revised its goal to consider a trigger mechanism such that measures, namely gauge and vent size changes, would be automatically implemented to increase the overall protection of the GOM/GBK spawning stock when a defined trigger level is reached. The proposed triggers are based on observed declines in lobster recruit abundance (71-80mm) from the spring and fall trawl surveys, and ventless trap surveys.
A copy of Draft Addendum XXVII can be found HERE. Public Hearings: There are three public hearings scheduled in Maine, including two in-person public hearings and one webinar public hearing.
Submitting Written Comments:
Stakeholders can also submit written comments on Draft Addendum XXVII. Public comment will be accepted until 11:59 PM (EST) on March 31, 2023 and should be sent to Caitlin Starks, Senior FMP Coordinator, at 1050 N. Highland St., Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, Virginia 22201; or at [email protected] (Subject line: Lobster Draft Addendum XXVII).
A copy of the ASMFC press release which includes additional details on the public comment process can be found HERE. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Megan Ware