Dear Constituent,
At the end of another busy week, here's your latest edition of Denton and Reddish Weekly News.
I will always do my best to keep you informed about everything I do in Westminster, but if you wish to speak to me further about any issue, please phone my constituency office on 0161 320 1504 for an appointment, or visit one of my regular surgeries which you can find the details of below.
MP and Councillors demand action over Victoria Park vandalism
Andrew Gwynne, MP for Denton and Reddish, and Denton North East’s councillors are working to protect Victoria Park after a spate of incidents of vandalism in recent weeks.
Last night (Monday 20 January) a fire was lit in the bandstand and the bowling hut has also recently been vandalised.
On Friday Gwynne will convene a meeting with Tameside Council officers, local councillors, the police and the bowling club to find a solution that can stop further vandalism.
Andrew Gwynne MP said:
“Victoria Park is the jewel in Denton’s crown and has suffered very little vandalism over the years but in recent weeks the bowling hut has been vandalised and several fires have been lit on the Grade II listed bandstand.
“Tameside Council has now agreed to start locking the park gates at night, as they used to several years ago. They’re also considering employing a security presence in the coming days.
“However I want a long-term solution to this problem which is why I will be convening a meeting this Friday between council officers, the local councillors, the police and the bowling club to see what measures can be actioned to protect the park and restore it once more to the pride of Denton.”
Speaking on behalf of her fellow Denton North East councillors Vincent Ricci and Allison Gwynne, Councillor Denise Ward said:
“Victoria Park has long been the hub of family gatherings in Denton, with the Community Centre and the bowling green, bringing our communities together.
“It saddens me to see the anti-social behaviour by a small group that is spoiling this community centre.
“With my ward colleagues, and our MP Andrew Gwynne, we will work with the authorities to bring peace once again to Victoria Park.”
Gwynne supports RSPCA campaign to teach young people compassion for animals
Andrew Gwynne, MP for Denton and Reddish, attended the RSPCA’s drop-in in the House of Commons and met with Chief Executive Chris Sherwood to hear about its Generation Kind’ initiative helps teach compassion to new generations and work to protect animals in Denton and Reddish.
Research by the RSPCA revealed that nearly a quarter of school children aged 10-18 have witnessed animal cruelty and neglect on social media. Generation Kind, the charity’s biggest ever education and prevention programme, was developed to help address this.
The RSPCA has been protecting animals since its foundation in 1824. To this day, they are increasing their work to prevent cruelty occurring in the first place and to educate the next generation of animal lovers.
Andrew Gwynne said:
“It was fantastic to meet up with the RSPCA to hear about their work and thank them on behalf of animal lovers in Denton and Reddish for the vital work that they do.
“I was saddened though to hear that so many young children have been exposed to horrific incidents of animal cruelty only.
“This is not something that previous generations would have encountered and that’s why Generation Kind is such an important project. It has my full support.”
RSPCA Chief Executive, Chris Sherwood, said:
“It’s great that Andrew attended our drop in event to find out how we help animals in his constituency.
“Our frontline officers see some really horrific suffering and our research revealed that children as young as 10 have seen cruelty and attacks in social media videos and posts which is worrying.
“We are working hard to create a generation of children who treat animals with kindness, compassion and respect through Generation Kind – a series of projects working with youngsters at risk of offending, animal care sessions for children in care and also talks and competitions for primary and secondary school children designed to make them think about animal welfare.”
More details about the RSPCA Generation Kind campaign can be found here:
Time to deliver
Last week in Parliament, we debated the Queen’s Speech. This is written by the Government and sets out their plans for the coming year. Now that the Tories have a big majority, they can win almost every parliamentary vote very easily and that’s exactly what happened in an important vote last week.
In their Queen’s Speech, the Conservatives set out additional funding for the NHS which – according to experts – actually amounts to less than is needed to maintain services at their current level. With the Tories seemingly unwilling to give our NHS the funding that it desperately needs, Labour forced a vote to increase spending to the kind of levels that would be needed to provide people with the service that they deserve.
Unfortunately, the Tories used their new big majority to vote against providing the NHS and social care system with this funding, despite every other party (even the Tories’ old friends the DUP!) in Parliament agreeing with Labour. I wonder what people in places like Leigh, Bury and Heywood think of their new Tory MPs voting against providing this funding and support for health and social care – I’d imagine some will be quite disappointed.
And that really is the point. Last month Boris Johnson won a majority in part because of all sorts of promises on things like the NHS, schools and the police. He asked voters to ignore a decade of cuts that his party had made in all these areas and to trust him to put things right (despite having been a member of both David Cameron and Theresa May’s cabinets and voting repeatedly for cuts). Unfortunately, it seems that he was just saying whatever his focus groups told him he should say to win the election. Action speaks louder than words though and last week’s vote speaks very loudly indeed.
I think it’s also important to be clear what the impact of this Tory inaction is. The NHS is facing a crisis and it’s a crisis that has been created by a decade of cuts. The evidence is all around – from longer waiting lists to overcrowded A&Es to crumbling hospital. Following their vote against proper funding for the NHS last week, this week the Tories will introduce a law to legally cap NHS spending for the next four years at a level that fails to tackle this crisis.
So when it comes to the NHS or school funding or police numbers, let’s all judge Boris Johnson and his government not by their words but by their actions. He has promised a lot and now he better deliver. So far it’s not looking good.
Andrew in the Constituency
It was great to meet Nathaniel alongside Cllr Kate Butler (Reddish North). I’m fully supporting his campaign to make Greater Manchester’s rail stations accessible.
You can sign his petition here.
Good session in Denton North East this morning as part of my Friday:Reconnect programme. It’s always good to get out, knock on doors and listen to residents’ views and concerns.
I had a really good meeting at Stockport Town Hall with Council Leader Elise Wilson and Cllr Jude Wells (Reddish South), Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care. Labour-led Stockport Council is doing some great innovative work on housing, regeneration, social care and children’s services.
📺 WATCH: Here's episode 2 of GwynneSide Parliament, my weekly update for constituents across Denton and Reddish on what I've been doing this week in the House of Commons.
Only someone born in the 1970s will understand the happiness in my face at the photoshoot to launch the Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean 2020. Let's keep Denton and Reddish clean and tidy!
📺 WATCH: Thanks to my constituency neighbour William Wragg for getting a short ‘end of day’ adjournment debate on Stepping Hill Hospital.
These kinds of debates last for 30 minutes (including the Minister’s reply) and are usually on very local matters. The debates have to be applied for by a backbench MP, but are a good way of getting an issue before a Minister.
All four Stockport MPs, both Labour and Conservative, were present and we will work together to secure the improvements that we need to see in our local hospital.
Good to join my Tameside colleague Jonathan Reynolds to show our support for the campaign to ban the cruel practice of trophy hunting.
Andrew in the Shadow Cabinet
Great to spend time at the Local Government Association Labour Group’s Next Generation programme in Manchester, with the NG14 cohort of councillors. It’s always great to engage with Labour’s future leaders in local government. Brimming with ideas and experience for how we rebuild local government.