John, all eyes are on Chicago after progressive Brandon Johnson advanced to the runoff for mayor — and we’re uniting our movement to help him win! As a former public school teacher, union organizer, and county commissioner, Brandon knows the pain caused by disinvestment in education, infrastructure, and health care — and the violence left in its wake. His opponent? Conservative Paul Vallas, a public school privatizer who calls himself “more of a Republican than a Democrat” — and he has the backing of rightwing mega-donors to prove it. Brandon Johnson can win this race with our help! Chip in now to mobilize nearly 100,000 Our Revolution members in Chicago and make 250,000 voter contacts ahead of Election Day April 4!

This election will impact the lives of millions and reverberate nationwide. Our movement has worked for years to build power in Chicago, and we’re so close to electing a progressive mayor! Brandon Johnson champions affordable housing, good-paying jobs, taxing the ultra rich, criminal justice reform, and more. “These are things that are not extreme or radical ideas,” he told the Chicago Sun Times. On a people-centered agenda, Brandon bested incumbent Lori Lightfoot, making her a one-term mayor, and it’s through a people-powered campaign that he can defeat Vallas in the runoff. We have the momentum. Let’s do everything we can to elect Brandon Johnson to Mayor of Chicago! Pitch in now to power our voter outreach to more than a quarter-million voter contacts in the city. When we organize, we win! Our Revolution 