News From Congressman Bilirakis
March 5, 2023

Dear Neighbor, 

Last week, House Republicans took an important step forward in holding President Biden accountable for the reckless spending that has created the inflation crisis that continues to burden families and small businesses across the country.  I was proud to vote in support of the Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation Inflation (REIN IN) Act, which passed the House.   Back at home, I was also proud to attend the Grand Opening of the New Port Richey VA Clinic.  Continue reading to learn more about these and other efforts on your behalf!

Reining-In Spending

While I am confident that my colleagues and I will put a stop to the huge spending packages that Democrats have been able to push through in recent years, I remain concerned about unchecked spending that has been occurring through Executive Order.  In his first year in office, President Biden issued more Executive Orders than any president since Gerald Ford.  After two years in office, Biden has now issued a shocking 107 executive orders, which have cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion.  Last week, we passed the REIN IN Inflation Act which will require the Biden Administration to publish the inflationary impact of Executive Orders before enacting them. 
Specifically, this bill would require the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors and Office of Management and Budget to prepare a report including the inflationary effects for Executive Orders.  The White House would then have to report these findings to Congress each year to increase transparency and accountability over executive actions.

Additionally, new studies confirm what we've known for years - that the Tax Reform package which became law in 2017 actually raised revenue for the government.  The lower rates attracted more businesses to come back to the U.S. and resulted in the top 1% of earners paying more then they would have under the old tax system. We can't build a strong economy through increased taxes.  We must continue to lower the tax burden on all Americans and allow you to keep more of your hard earned money.

Fighting for our Heroes

I was honored to be joined by so many Veterans in our community as we celebrated the long-anticipated opening of the consolidated  Outpatient VA Clinic in New Port Richey.  I secured passage of funding and the authorization for this project in 2014 and have worked alongside senior VA officials to combat several bureaucratic roadblocks that were encountered.  The new, state-of-the art 140,000 square feet facility will offer enhanced services to keep local Veterans from having to travel so frequently to Tampa to receive care.  The clinic's capacity will double, allowing it to serve 24,000 patients and offer more availability for same-day services.  I am confident that our nation’s heroes will receive outstanding care in this beautiful, new facility.   


Also, I refiled the Major Richard Star Act last week with over 200 original co-sponsors. This bill will rectify an injustice that keeps 50k medically-retired, combat Vets from receiving full military benefits. The Senate companion has already garnered 48 bipartisan co-sponsors.  We need to get this bill across the finish line!  Click here to learn more.


Additionally, I’m proud of the fact that Veteran Homelessness has decreased so much in our area in recent years.  However, there is more work to be done on this important issue.  With the increase in housing costs throughout Tampa Bay, many people are continuing to struggle with the lack of affordable housing.  I’ll continue supporting programs, like the Community Development Block Grant and the HUD Continuum of Care program which both provide federal funding to tackle this important issue in communities across the nation. 

Protecting the Vulnerable and Your Privacy

Senator Rubio and I are working to ensure Florida’s hospitals receive their fair share of funding to help vulnerable patients.  Click here to learn how!  

Last week, I also chaired the Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee hearing on the urgent need to protect Americans' sensitive data by developing a federal privacy standard.  Click here to learn more about this important issue and here to listen to my opening remarks during the hearing.  

   Learning from You

It was wonderful to meet with constituents during my February office hours in Brooksville and Inverness. The best ideas always come directly from those we serve.   To sign up for my next available office hours near you, please visit my website.


It was also great to meet with the leadership team from Langley Health.  This Federally-Qualified Community Health Center provides high quality primary care, behavioral health and dental services to residents of Citrus County who are insured, uninsured and underinsured.  They shared their upcoming plans for opening a new location in Homosassa to serve even more residents. 

Additionally, I had productive conversations with Hernando County Administrator Jeff Rogers, Brooksville City Manager Ron Snowberger and Pasco County Administrator Mike Carballa.  We discussed opportunities for economic development, ideas for addressing growing infrastructure needs and our lack of affordable housing within the community.  I look forward to continuing to work with my local government partners on these important issues. 


Reducing the Cost of Prescription Drugs

Americans deserve real relief from outrageous drug prices, however, the only way to achieve that goal is an overhaul of the bureaucratic system that causes prices to soar. Click here to learn more.  

Supporting Small Business

Small Business is the backbone of our economy. Each Saturday, I highlight newly opened or expanded businesses in our community that my team or I have visited. Congratulations to these hard-working entrepreneurs and best wishes for their continued success as they realize their American Dream! 

Maya Hyppolite, a Cosmetic Chemist, cut the ribbon at her new location of Morganna's Alchemy in New Port Richey. Maya formulates her own line of beauty and skin care products and exports them throughout the country and to locations in Canada and Estonia.


Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC. Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents. As part of my commitment to developing a better understanding of the issues facing constituents in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties members of my team attended several events last week.  Here are a few highlights. 

My team enjoyed participating in a conversation with Concerned Community leaders about human trafficking throughout the Tampa Bay area.  It was a productive discussion about the work that still needs to be done as it relates to prevention, awareness and empowerment of victims as they work to recover. 


My team was also honored to help celebrate the accomplishments of my constituent Jackson Davis, who earned Eagle Scout rank through his work to feed the hungry in our community.   He raised funds to purchase a mobile food pantry and regularly distributes food to those in need throughout Pasco County.  


Constituent Corner

My office recently received this email from a constituent who attended my recent Veterans Town Hall in Citrus County.  

Thank you for hosting the town hall meeting in Inverness last night. It was very informative and very well organized. I also thank you for discussing the contents of my letter that I submitted at that meeting. You and your staff truly have the welfare of veterans at heart. Contact me if ever you need input on VA healthcare from a patients perspective. VA healthcare is the best. Again, thanks to you and your staff for caring for veterans.

This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2306 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515