When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’ John 8:12
How do we stand boldly and courageously, kept from faltering amidst all manner of darkness: attacks, judgments, untruths, and harms? On our behalf Jesus arrests these falsehood and presses them away, extinguishes them, by exposure to His Light. For Christ knows that living in the dark would not be living at all.
We understand God to be Father over all Creation, and the Holy Spirit to live within our frame, our soul. We also hold to Christ’s revelation, that He is the Light and Love pronouncing hope, grace, acceptance, and worth to each one of us. This glorious light will never be set apart for any one person, group, or place, not captured and distributed according to one personal set of beliefs, not ever guarded or withheld from another. Jesus’s exhilarating Light is brazen, aloft, all encompassing, and as brilliant for one as it is for all.
If only we could hold this Light in our hands, that we might deftly present our beloveds with the one, sure manner of escape from darkness. Certainly we can offer witness to this transformational experience in our lives.
Lord, call me by name. Impress upon my heart these truths: I am a child of God; I am a bearer of the Holy Spirit, and I too am meant to dwell in Christ’s splendor, Christ’s protection, Christ’s all-powerful, illuminating Light. Inspire me to embrace Your people, to assure them of their absolute worth, to invite them to set down their guard and breathe deeply, calmly, assuredly, enveloped in the presence of Your Light. Amen.
Victoria Karssen, B.A. in Psychology, Hospital Chaplain, dabbling painter, and Room for All board member provides professional organization and design for individuals and companies. Prayers welcome, as Vic, hubby Paul, and pup Suki, live in Orange City, IA.