From Dr. Mary Trump <>
Subject re: the most important election of 2023
Date March 5, 2023 3:35 PM
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The future of abortion access, voting rights, redistricting and more will be on the ballot in April’s election to determine the balance of power in the Wisconsin state Supreme Court, John.

So, Democracy Defense Fund is doing EVERYTHING in our power to flip the 4-3 conservative majority and defend democracy in one of 2024’s most crucial swing states.

If you’re committed to protecting abortion access, voting rights, and free & fair elections, will you chip in $10 or even $25 to our Wisconsin Battleground Fund? It’s time to step up and win what POLITICO is calling “the most important election nobody’s ever heard of.” [[link removed]]

DONATE → [[link removed]]

Wisconsin has some of the most gerrymandered legislative maps in the country, John.

But if we’re able to flip the current 4-3 conservative majority on the state’s Supreme Court, democracy will prevail and fairer, more equitable maps will be drawn.

Wisconsin is also home to one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion bans, a 174-year-old law that was re-established after Roe v. Wade was overturned last summer. The state now classifies abortion as a felony, carrying with it a punishment of up to 6 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

But if we’re able to flip just ONE state Supreme Court seat, Wisconsin can overturn this archaic law and once again protect a woman’s fundamental right to choose.

Other pressing issues at the forefront of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race include the future of voting rights, and whether or not the Court will uphold any ridiculous claims of voter fraud when the likes of Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis assuredly lie about a “rigged election” in 2024.

The stakes couldn’t be any higher, John. And that’s why I’m coming to you now and asking for your help right away.

Please, will you pitch in a $25 grassroots donation to help the pro-democracy majority flip the Wisconsin state Supreme Court in April? This will be the most critical election of 2023, and we need your help in order to protect abortion access, voting rights and more! [[link removed]]

Chip in $25 [[link removed]] Chip in $50 [[link removed]]
Chip in $100 [[link removed]] Chip in $200 [[link removed]]
Chip in $250 [[link removed]] Other Amount [[link removed]]

Thanks for stepping up,

Mary Trump

Paid for by Democracy Defense Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democracy Defense Fund
15808 Hesperian Blvd
PO Box 944
San Lorenzo, CA 94580
United States

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