Your Intentions - Nine Holy
Masses St. Joseph Novena

Dear Friend,
With all of the chaos and uncertainty in the world, let us run to
St. Joseph, Protector of Holy Mother Church, who is most valiant, with
all our urgent needs, especially for the grace of inner peace.
Run to St. Joseph for a solution to your most pressing challenges
and guidance, for he is the Patron Saint against doubt, for people in
doubt, against hesitation as well as the Patron Saint for dying
people, cemetery workers, a holy and happy death, grave diggers,
accountants, attorneys, civil engineers, teachers, educators, bursars,
confectioners, carpenters, furniture makers, craftsmen, laborers and
working people. St. Joseph is also the Patron of orphans, emigrants,
immigrants, exiles, families, fathers, children, expectant mothers,
unborn children, those who are married, social justice, house hunters,
travelers and people who fight Communism.
So many of you have Consecrated yourselves (and your families) to
St. Joseph. Now, let us reinvigorate our love for the Foster-Father of
the Son of God by submitting our intentions for the Nine Holy Masses,
from March 11-19, before the Solemnity of
St. Joseph on Monday, March 20, which has been
transferred this year, since the liturgy of a Lenten Sunday takes
precedence. The nine-day Novena prayers to St. Joseph will begin
on Saturday, March 11.
Please submit your intentions now and be enrolled in the
Novena to St. Joseph. Please include an intention for Cardinal Burke’s
needs, as well as his continued good health, If St. Joseph has come to
your aid, in any way, then include a petition of thanksgiving, for all
favors granted.
May St. Joseph, Solace of the
Afflicted, who is most obedient, faithful and just, take all of our
interests and desires to Jesus.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
P.S. Have you heard about Cardinal Burke’s latest
book, Deny Holy
Communion?, that was
recently mailed to 41,000 bishops, priests and deacons in the United
States? If you would like to order a copy, click here.
P.P.S. Sponsor a
copy of Deny Holy
Communion? to a
seminarian. The most important
and sacred function of their life as a future priest will be the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass. Please help us to send this book to seminarians
in the US, Puerto Rico and Rome click here.
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