Fellow American,
Wokeness is a new secular religion that says your identity is based on your race and sexuality. This is destroying America in front of our eyes.
I'm on a mission to stop it. I wrote two bestselling books and started a new company to take on wokeness on Wall Street, but we must do more and address the real problem: we are going through a national identity crisis.
I'm Vivek Ramaswamy, and I launched my campaign for President of the United States to deliver an answer to the most important question of our time: what it means to be an American. Today I am asking YOU to be a part of our movement.
I remember when I was in 2nd grade and heard Martin Luther King's "I Have Dream" speech for the first time: America judges its children not on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character.
I grew up in Ohio in the 90s to two immigrants who came to this country with almost no money. I was a skinny kid with nerdy glasses and a funny last name. Achievement was my ticket to get ahead. After graduating from Harvard and Yale, I went on to start a family and founded multibillion-dollar companies.
You probably know me as the author of Woke, Inc. – or by what left-leaning outlets have called me, like "the intellectual godfather of the anti-woke movement" (Politico), "CEO of Anti-Woke, Inc.," (The New Yorker), or the "right's leading anti-ESG crusader" (Axios, Bloomberg, and others). I take their criticisms as a badge of honor because we are standing up for what is right – and true.
I'm 37 years old. People my age and younger can't even answer what it means to be an American today.
My peers have abandoned faith, patriotism, and hard work and instead embrace new secular religions like covidism, climatism, and radical gender ideology.
I'm running for President of the United States of America to revive the ideals that made America great – and made America itself. If this is important to you too, then I need you to be a part of this movement. Will you help me launch my campaign by throwing in a contribution of $10, $25, $40 or more today?
It's not enough to just be AGAINST something like wokeness... we need to be FOR something.
We are on a mission to create a new American Dream for the next generation.
We must embrace merit and excellence in every sphere of our lives:
Merit in who gets into America. More immigrants like my parents, instead of illegal immigrants who break the law to enter the country.
Merit in who gets ahead in America. You win in America not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character and contributions.
Merit in who governs America. I have a humble dream that the people who we elect to run the government should be the ones who actually run the government, not federal bureaucrats who multiply themselves like a national cancer.
Merit in the marketplace of ideas. The best ideas win when no ideas are censored.
I think you believe in these ideals. I think you believe your neighbors and colleagues believe in these ideals too, but you can't be sure because you're not allowed to talk about it anymore. We still agree on the basic ideals – at least most of us do.
I am running for President to save the ideals that made America great. Please stand with me in the fight to revive American exceptionalism by contributing $10, $25, $40 or another amount to help me launch my campaign.
For The American Dream,

Vivek Ramaswamy