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Hello and Good Byford

The resignation of New York City Transit Chief Andy Byford has some advocates wondering if the slow but steady progress the system was making will come to a halt. Intertwined with that worry is the question: Who will they find to replace him?

Among other things, Byford's departure is a reminder that, while the media tends to focus on elected policymakers like mayors and governors, the people those officials appoint to run agencies play a huge role in shaping life in the city. Whether you agreed with their approach or not, people like Janette Sadik-Khan, Jack Maple, Thomas Frieden, Dan Doctoroff, Rudy Crew, Alicia Glen and Byford himself (among many others) have left an imprint on the city disproportionate to the profile they will have in the history books.

This week, City Limits' The Ride covered two key issues the next NYCT chief will have to deal with. One is the panoply of task forces that the governor has convened to chart policy for the agency, a double-edged bureaucratic blessing if there ever was one. The other is the idea—still at very formative stages-—to construct a new subway line along the Bay Ridge Branch, a 16-mile existing freight line that runs from Astoria to Bay Bridge.

- Jarrett Murphy, executive editor

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Una ciudad sin limites

City Limits en Español

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Voices of New York

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City Stat

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Audience Engagement Editor

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Program Director - Transitional Housing

The Program Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of a transitional family residence serving families with children. The Program Director will ensure that the residence operates in accordance with the guidelines identified by the NYS Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA), the NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS), and Win.

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WIN (Women in Need)
Housing Coordinator - Transitional Housing

The Housing Services Coordinator is responsible for supporting the permanent housing search of the families living in the shelter by coordinating all housing services activities which will lead to the successful placement of families in accordance to WIN’s and other agency contractual requirements.

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YWCA of Brooklyn
College Access Coordinator

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