Hey folks!

My team and I will be having a meeting on Sunday morning to lay out our campaign strategy for the coming months, and I want to make sure I know where your head’s at.

I want this campaign to be a team effort from the very start — and that means making sure your ideas and priorities are heard by me and my staff. 

I wish I could grab a cup of coffee with every one of you to hear about your concerns firsthand, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day. So, my team helped me put together a quick survey that will just have to do instead. 

I know it’s not as good as sitting and chatting over a cup of coffee, but will you take a moment to let me know what issues you want me to prioritize on the campaign trail?

I’m the most vulnerable Senator running for reelection next year, and the only way I’ll survive Republican attacks is if voters know I’m listening to their concerns. That’s why it’s so important I get your feedback today. 

Thanks, folks!
