Ilhan for Congress


That's the donation we're asking you to make to show you stand with Ilhan Omar today. That's right — just $1.

$1 to ensure our people-powered campaign has the resources we need to fight back against the right wing and their attacks this cycle.

$1 because at the end of this month, the number of donations we receive will become public and we need to show everyone — our allies, our opponents, and the media — the strength of our movement.

$1 because by the time you read this, lots of other people have already chipped in their $1… and now they're counting on you to do the same.

There's only one way we fund this campaign — together. What do you say? Are you in?

Use this link to contribute $1 to show you stand with Ilhan Omar today. Every donation makes a difference, no matter the amount.


In solidarity,

Team Ilhan