Imagine walking into your local grocery store and finding that the shelves are almost bare. The produce section, usually brimming with colorful fruits, nuts, and vegetables, is a ghost town. THIS COULD ONE DAY BE YOUR REALITY if we don’t urgently protect our planet’s pollinators. 40% of insect pollinators face EXTINCTION and need your help! Take immediate action! 

Bees form the foundation of much of our food system. In fact, you can thank bees and other pollinators for 1 out of every 3 bites of food you eat and 75% of the world’s most nutritious crops, including staples like apples and almonds. Our food supply is at stake here, and we cannot afford to let it be jeopardized.  

A major factor contributing to pollinator declines are neonic pesticides. These chemicals are DEADLY TO BEES, attacking their nervous systems and damaging their ability to navigate, find food, fight diseases, and EVEN REPRODUCE! It’s outrageous that Kroger, one of the largest U.S. food retailers, continues to sell food grown with these dangerous pesticides. Please, Friend, tell Kroger to PROTECT BEES and ELIMINATE BEE-KILLING PESTICIDES from its food supply by 11:59pm TONIGHT! 

Every day that Kroger and other food companies fail to act, we move closer to a food crisis! In just the past two decades, the beloved western bumble bee population has dropped 57%. It’s time to take action before it’s too late.  

Kroger shelves are still stocked with pesticide-contaminated produce that endangers the lives of pollinators and the stability of our future food system. We need to let Kroger know that they have a choice: PROTECT POLLINATORS or PUT OUR FOOD SUPPLY AT RISK. Your URGENT ACTION can help the company make the right decision. Help SAVE POLLINATORS and the planet from toxic pesticides!  

Standing with you, 
Paolo Mutia 
Food and agriculture campaigner, 
Friends of the Earth 
