March 7th Trip to the Capitol - We need YOU!
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Dear TTP Citizen Advocates:

Here we are nearly half way through the 88th Session, and pretty much nothing has been done!  425 bills have been passed in the 2 chambers, but take a look at what they are!  They are all Resolutions with titles like: Congratulating the Holliday High School girls' cross country team on winning the UIL 3A state championship.    Or, Establishing X date as Bangladesh Day at the Capitol.  Or lots of "In Memory of....." resolutions.  All very nice, but accomplishing very little. (As McBeth would say... "Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".)

House bills were finally referred to Committees last week, and a few House Committees have held hearings.  Still no actual debating and passing of bills, which could be happening on the Governor's emergency issues.  

Last Week's TTP Citizen Advocates:

Tuesday the 28th, our activists met in Commissioner Sid Miller's office for TLO training.  Commissioner Miller very graciously offered his time to tell us about the Agriculture Commissioner's office and all that they oversee, and took time for some photos. (He also fed us donuts and coffee!)  In the afternoon, we visited some offices, observed a hearing in progress (just for practice), and tried to observe the House in session, but the line was HUGE, and it was late in the day.  The line was huge because of all those people being recognized with resolutions, who get to stand up and cheer for themselves when the resolutions are passed.

Senator Kolkhorst's bill, SB147, which would prohibit foreign ownership of Texas real estate was heard in Senate State Affairs Committee.  Lots of testimony on both sides, and was left pending in Committee.  We'll have to keep an eye on it.

Here's what's happening next week - March 6 - 10:

Tuesday, Mar. 7,This is our TTP Tuesday at the Capitol and we need all hands on deck!

Senate State Affairs Committee, starting at 9:00 am in E1.016.  We need people to register and testify if possible about SB287. 

I will be there early on Tuesday - probably by 8:00.  Please come by 8:45 to 9:00 if you can (or earlier because the earlier you sign up, the earlier you will be called to testify).  Meet up in front of room E1.016. Registration is being done with a card in the committee room - not on the Senate kiosks.  I'll be available to help you register if needed. 

The bill that needs attention that day is SB287, by Huffman, and co-authored by  Bettencourt | Campbell | Eckhardt | Flores | Hinojosa | King | Zaffirini

We need people to testify in opposition to this bill, and if you can't testify, but are present in the building, register "opposed" for this bill at the Senate kiosks.  This will be the first committee hearing that we are pushing for testimony this session.  Remember - if you plan to give oral testimony, and say you represent yourself AND True Texas Project, you need my approval of your testimony in advance.  If you only plan to register opposition, and not testify, you can say you represent TTP and yourself, as we are taking an "opposed" position on this bill, unless it is drastically changed.

SB287 amends Penal code Section 22.07(a) and (f), regarding terrorist threats made at public meetings or public facilities.  We believe that as written, the bill would embolden local governments (especially school boards) to use the code to arrest, jail, and prosecute citizens who speak out against policies of local governments.

A prime example of this happened in 2021 at the Round Rock ISD when 2 parents challenged the actions of the Board, were escorted out of the building because of it, and several days later arrested and jailed by the school board police agency.

Here's what one of those parents said about this bill:  " It will be used by school boards across the state to leverage the power of the criminal justice system to silence parents like nothing we have seen so far."

The author of the bill has been contacted, and we believe that she is amending the language to include protections for citizens speaking out at public meetings in an orderly manner.  But as of this writing, we have not seen any changes.  Please keep an eye on the  Committee web page for substitute language.  You can contact the Committee Clerk, at (512) 463-0345, or in person at the Sam Houston Building, Room 470.

Texas Education 911 has an Action Alert on this bill.  Please click the link for more information and talking points. March 7th is also Texas Education 911 action day at the Capitol.  They are doing a briefing from 10:30 to 1:30 in Room 3N.3.  Click here for details and more information.

We need as many people as possible to testify in this hearing.  Please let me know if you plan to go and if you will be able to testify! Just reply to this email.

Several other House Committee Hearings are scheduled for Tuesday, including Human Services, and International Relations & Economic Development, Criminal Jurisprudence, Public Education

Other Committees meeting week of Mar 6 - 10

Click here for House Committee Calendar

Click here for Senate Committee Calendar

Things to Remember:

  • Situations change very fast during session.  So there could be things added, and things removed from these schedules.  Use the Texas Legislature On Line  (TLO) website to know what is happening at any given moment.
  • If you cannot travel to the Capitol to testify on SB247, please contact members of the Committee to express opposition to the bill.  You can say you are with True Texas Project and say you oppose the bill because as written, it could endanger citizen activists when engaging in local governments. (contact information listed below). 
  • House bills being heard in committee are still allowing on-line comments.  See the hearing schedule for the link to make on-line comments.  It's included at the bottom of the schedules.  This is a great way to get your comments on the record if you cannot be in Austin that day.  Unfortunately, the Senate does not provide this option.

Senate Criminal Justice Committee contact information:

Sen. John Whitmire (512) 463-0115, (713) 864-8701, [email protected] (Committee)

Sen. Pete Flores (512) 463-0124, (210) 784-5024, [email protected] (Committee & Co-Author)

Sen. Paul Bettencourt (512) 463-0107, (713) 464-0282, [email protected] (Committee & Co-Author)

Sen. Juan Hinojosa (512) 463-0120, (956) 318-0725, [email protected] (Committee & Co-Author)

Sen. Joan Huffman (512) 463-0117, (713) 850-1981, [email protected] (Committee & Author)

Sen. Phil King (512) 463-0110, [email protected] (Committee)

Sen. Borris L. Miles (512) 463-0113, (713) 665-8322, [email protected] Committee)

Sen. Donna Campbell (512) 463-0125, (830) 626-0065, [email protected] (Co-Author)

Sen. Sarah Eckhardt (512) 463-0114, (512) 463-0114, [email protected] (Co-Author)

Sen. Judith Zaffirini, (512) 463-0121, (956) 722-2293, [email protected] (Co-Author)


If I get news of a committee substitute or other changed language for SB 287, I'll send another Action item to let you know.  I hope to see many of you at the Capitol on Tuesday!  Meanwhile, keep in mind good advice from our friend, Milton Friedman:




Need Tuesday transportation?  If you live in the northern counties (Collin/Denton etc), or Central Texas, North TX Conservatives is sponsoring bus rides to the Capitol every Tuesday Mar. 7 through May 23. Tickets are $50 per person for the round trip ride.  Click here to purchase tickets.  (NOTE: I have no information about the buses, other than what is in this link.  There is an email on the site if you have questions)

I look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday!

God Bless Texas and Texas Patriots!

Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project





TTP, along with Fredericksburg Tea Party, will have people at the Capitol every Tuesday!  Pick a Tuesday and plan to be with us to advocate for our bills, testify at hearings, learn more about the process and how to be effective, and be a part of the legislative action. Anyone is welcome.  I'm always asked to give more notice for these events - so here is your notice through May 31, 2023!  Every Tuesday!  We'll be there other days too as needed, and I cannot give good notice of those because we never know until a day or two ahead.   So - keep an eye out for your Citizen Advocate messages, and think fast!

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