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7 Brides Who Portray the Bride of Christ

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 04, 2023 05:24 am

Christ in ProphecyWhat seven Old Testament brides portray the Bride of Christ? Find out with guests Dennis and Dawn Morris along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan...

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What You Need to Know About Agenda 2030

By Dr. Joseph Mercola on Mar 04, 2023 05:15 am

WEF supports the “merging of man and machine,” or transhumanism, and its Fourth Industrial Revolution aims to use wearable and implantable technology to surveil your thoughts and launch a digital dictatorship

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Biden & UN WHO “Pandemic Treaty” Will Crush US Sovereignty

By Alex Newman on Mar 04, 2023 01:35 am

Alex Newman Behind the Deep State(1)The draft of the WHO agreement would seize control of pandemic response from nation-states and would even implement an Orwellian censorship regime to silence voices contradicting the official narrative.

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Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous”

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 03, 2023 08:17 pm

covid and vaccinesSo the public health officials, the mainstream medical community, and the mainstream media will all ignore this paper's findings that mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.

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This Is Why We Are at the Very Brink of a World War

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Mar 02, 2023 08:18 pm

, evidence suggests the basis for the United States' interest in, and defense of, Ukraine is related to it being a valuable money laundering hub and, potentially, a secret biological weapons manufacturing ally. As Americans, we cannot be naïve about this, seeing how it's our lives that will be destroyed were Russia to send nuclear missiles our way. Europeans also need to search their souls to determine whether protecting Deep State interests is really worth the price.

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The Daily Skirmish – Phony Climate Change Narrative: Follow the Evidence
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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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