January 24, 2020
Latest columns
The American Mind
Ronald R. Cherry

January 24, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

January 24, 2020
Breaking news: January 23, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Fox News' Sean Hannity and his guests weigh in on Day 3 of the Senate impeachment trial led by House manager Adam Schiff. "The liar from California is continuing to foist himself on We, the American public," Hannity began.... (more)

January 22, 2020
The warrants were based on unsubstantiated 'Steele dossier'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The nation's top spy court ruled two of the four authorizations for the Obama administration to surveil onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page were "not valid." The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court determined in a secret ruling released Thursday that there was no sufficient basis to "establish probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power."... (more)

January 22, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? The anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, is upon us again. And here we are, 61 million abortions later. Some of the most powerful spokespersons against Roe are those who survived an attempted abortion. At least 300 Americans alive today are in that category. Here we will highlight three such survivors.... (more)

January 22, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? The Constitution is quite clear on which cases the Supreme Court is authorized to take, and which it is not authorized to take. It turns out that most of the cases it has heard over the last several decades -- including Obergefell -- it had no legal authority even to take, let alone decide.... (more)

January 22, 2020
LIFE NEWS ? President Donald Trump will address the March for Life on Friday in live remarks to hundreds of thousands of pro-life people attending the event from across the country. He will be the first president ever to attend the March for Life in person, having addressed the March via video previously.... (more)

January 22, 2020
YOUTUBE ? More coverage by Fox News' Sean Hannity of the "Schumer Schiff Sham Show." Hannity takes apart the false, hypocritical narrative of the House Democrats' impeachment managers, with focus on Adam Schiff's 3-hour recitation of old claims without evidence.... (more)

January 22, 2020
Tucker's take on the outrageous House managers' impeachment case
BITCHUTE ? Fox News' Tucker Carlson compares the Democrats' repetitive, outrageous impeachment presentation to a "movie written and directed by children whose ending we already know – and by the way, it's 20 hours long, in Hungarian, with misspelled subtitles. That's what it's like."... (more)

January 22, 2020
ANDREW MCCARTHY ? You opened the door. Trial lawyers live in fear of that phrase. When a trial starts, both sides know what the allegations are. Both have had enough discovery to know what the adversary will try to prove. Just as significantly, both know what their own vulnerabilities are. A litigator spends his pretrial time not just laying the groundwork for getting his own evidence admitted by the court; each side works just as hard on motions to exclude embarrassing or incriminating testimony -- evidence that would be damaging to that side's position but that a court may be persuaded to exclude because it is not clearly relevant.... (more)

January 22, 2020
Acquittal makes it 'disappear'
WORLDNETDAILY ? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed to take satisfaction in declaring that President Trump has been "impeached forever." But the Democratic lawmaker "doesn't understand what impeachment is," contends Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz explained to Fox News host Sean Hannity that an impeachment is like a grand jury presentation.... (more)

January 22, 2020
The moral philosophy of 'Americanism' – adapted from 'America's Revolutionary Mind,' by C. Gradley Thompson
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? The time has come for Americans to rediscover the philosophy of Americanism, a philosophy which says that, despite our differences of race, ethnicity, class, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or place of origin, all men and women are equally free, morally sovereign, and self-governing.... (more)

January 22, 2020
THE HILL ? Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is suing Hillary Clinton for defamation over the former secretary of State's remarks on a podcast characterizing the Democratic presidential candidate as a Russian asset. Gabbard filed the defamation lawsuit Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.... (more)

January 22, 2020
THE HILL ? Hillary Clinton has torn open old wounds from her divisive 2016 battle with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), putting Democrats on edge about whether the party will be able to unite after a 2020 primary that has produced new fault lines between the center and the left.... (more)

January 22, 2020

January 22, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The Senate begins the impeachment trial of President Trump.... (more)

January 19, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? It seems providential that Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 19th, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 20th, fall so close together. Both days have something in common, as if the need for their recognition calls upon us not to forget the same error.... (more)

January 19, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Billionaire George Soros was named "Philanthropist of the Year" by Inside Philanthropy magazine for his "fight for academic freedom in Central Europe, and his resistance to the rising tide of authoritarianism worldwide." The former is a reference to gender studies programs, and the latter concerns his ongoing campaign to undermine existing governments, causing chaos that makes more money for hedge fund currency manipulators and short-sellers like himself.... (more)

January 19, 2020
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who was recently added to President Trump's impeachment defense legal team, debate constitutional grounds for impeachment. "Do you get paid for this? How does that work?" CNN host Anderson Cooper asked Dershowitz. "That hasn't been discussed," he said. "But if I were to be paid, all the money would go to charity. I will not take a single penny.... I'm doing this because I strongly believe in the Constitution, I strongly oppose the impeachment. I worry about the weaponization of impeachment and it could be used in other cases."... (more)

January 19, 2020
FOX NEWS ? A gun-rights rally in Richmond that brought thousands of people from across the country to protest a push by Virginia Democrats for comprehensive gun control ended peacefully without any major incidents. Threats of violence had escalated in the days leading up to Monday's demonstration following reports that white supremacists, armed militia and other extremist groups were planning to attend.... (more)

January 19, 2020
84% of GOP voters and 74% of Democratic voters believe the media has fanned political polarization
NEWSMAX ? Most voters blame the news media for making the United States more politically divided, a new poll showed. In the HarrisX survey of 1,001 registered voters, released by The Hill on Friday, 75% say they believe the way news is reported increases the political divide, compared with only 7% who say it's made the nation less politically divided, and 17% who say it's had no effect.... (more)

January 19, 2020
Judges refuse 'to open Pandora's box of pronouns'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the request of an inmate convicted for child porn to change his name on his prison paperwork to a woman's. Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, said the Fifth Circuit "made a wise decision not to open Pandora's box of pronouns." "Once that door is opened, there is no limit. This would open the floodgates to a mutiny of legal cases addressing the galaxy of delusions in today's society," he said.... (more)

January 19, 2020
'No right more fundamental than the right to follow one's religious convictions'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Arguing the Founders "understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one's religious convictions," President Trump announced new protections Thursday for prayer and religious expression in public schools.... (more)

January 19, 2020
NEWSMAX ? A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by 21 young people who claimed the U.S. government's climate policies and reliance on fossil fuels harms them, jeopardizes their future and violates their constitutional rights, potentially dealing a fatal blow to a long-running case that activists saw as an important front in the war against environmental degradation.... (more)

January 19, 2020
Supremes to rule on defiance of voters' wishes
WORLDNETDAILY ? The U.S. Supreme Court said Friday it will take a case on whether presidential electors are bound to support the popular vote winner in their states. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled a "faithless elector" who did not abide by Colorado law and vote for the candidate chosen by voters could not be punished.... (more)

January 19, 2020
Democrats do not have an impeachable offense
THE BLAZE ? Former U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy says there is a major "hole" in the Democrats' impeachment case against President Donald Trump. McCarthy wrote in National Review that it's obvious that the Democrats obviously "do not have an offense sufficiently grave for invocation of the Constitution's nuclear option." If they had one, McCarthy said, their "machinations and the posturing would be unnecessary -- even ridiculous."... (more)

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