What does access to quality health care and strong hospitals mean for you?
Coalition to Protect America's Health Care

This year, our community continues to fight hard to protect health coverage for all Americans. We’re glad you’re part of our team to help us fight off any changes that put our families in jeopardy.

We all have our own reasons to protect care, and we want to hear yours.

So tell us your story — what does access to quality health care and strong hospitals mean for you and your loved ones?

Health care matters to me because ___. Share your story.

A safe beginning for a baby in the NICU… Emergency treatment for an elderly family member… Life-sustaining care for chronic illnesses. Health care plays a role in all stages of our families’ lives.

We want to know more about what motivates our community. So tell your story: Why does access to quality health care matter to you and your family?

Thank you for sharing,

Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care