
Dan Crenshaw here. 

This week, I explained my opposition to Joe Biden’s unilateral cancellation of student loan debt on legal, economic, and moral grounds. I also continued my push for bipartisan action against the Mexican drug cartels and exposed how Joe Biden’s policies have kneecapped American energy dominance.

As always, thank you for your support.

Now, here’s your brief:
Joe Biden’s plan to unilaterally forgive student debt is wrong on multiple levels–it’s wrong from a legal standpoint, economic standpoint, and moral standpoint. Let’s take these one at a time. 

The administration claims the HEROES Act (the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act) gives them legal authority to cancel student debt. But this bill was specifically intended to help service members deployed after 9/11. It was not intended whatsoever to be used to cancel the student loans of tens of millions of people who never served, and the original bill doesn’t even authorize loan cancellation in the first place. This is the main issue before the Supreme Court right now. Six states—Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas and South Carolina—and two students sued the administration arguing that Biden’s student loan cancellation exceeds the President’s executive authority. So when you hear arguments on the left that the Supreme Court must “follow the law” and approve the cancellation of this debt, it is important to remember that there is no law passed by Congress that remotely gives President Biden the authority to do this through executive action. 

From a financial standpoint, this action would cost taxpayers $400 billion over 30 years and would slash student debt for more than 40 million people. It’s important to remember that this debt is not “canceled” in that it just disappears. That’s not how basic economics works. The debt must be repaid, and it will be repaid by a lot of taxpayers who never agreed to take on these loans in the first place. 
Finally, from a moral standpoint, it is the height of immorality for the government to sanction the passing of significant debt from those who agreed to take it on to those who did not. Unfortunately, we have fostered a culture in this country in which young people believe they are unwitting victims of a “broken system” that saddles them with debt they do not have to repay. The message from our leaders should be this: the government is not responsible for paying back loans that YOU decided on YOUR OWN free will to take. But Joe Biden and Democrats are sending the exact opposite message and are fostering a terrible mindset for our young people and the country as a whole.

Bipartisan progress over the next two years is going to be difficult to achieve in a divided Congress. But there is no reason that taking on the threat from Mexican drug cartels should not be bipartisan. The Mexican drug cartels are a common enemy. When the cartels traffic fentanyl across our border and kill Americans, they’re not targeting us based on our race, gender, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation. The scourge of fentanyl poisoning at the hands of the cartels impacts every state and every Congressional district in this country. And unlike the debate over border security or illegal immigration, stopping the drug cartels from killing Americans should not be inherently partisan. 

That’s why I am working this Congress to get Democrats to join my bills that would authorize the use of military force against the cartels and increase penalties for anyone that aids and abets cartel-related activity. We also must increase the criminal penalties for those who illicitly traffic fentanyl. The reality of a divided Congress is that we need bipartisan support for any initiative to become law and make a difference. My legislation is not partisan, it does not take shots at Joe Biden or Democrats and I am not using this issue to score political points. If we are going to stop the Mexican drug cartels from killing Americans, we must do so together and Democrats must be part of the solution.
“The Biden administration quietly updated a federal database that shows how many unused oil and gas drilling permits that it has approved, reducing the number by more than 2,000… The change suggests that President Joe Biden and administration officials had overstated the extent to which oil and gas companies have neglected producing on approved permits amid the global energy crisis last year.”

That’s a report from Fox News this week, and it illustrates the mindlessness and deceptiveness of Joe Biden’s rhetoric and policy towards energy production since he took office. Joe Biden’s approach to energy policy has looked something like this:

  1. Blame the oil and gas industry for killing the planet
  2. Enact policies that punish the industry and make it impossible for them to produce
  3. Accuse the industry of not using approved drilling permits (which we now know is a lie)
  4. Turn to our adversaries to give us oil and gas even though we could produce it here at home

Think about this: If it weren’t for the Biden Administration’s backwards energy policies, the United States would be producing 2-3 million more barrels of oil per day – an added total of $100 billion in our GDP per year. Rather than prioritizing American energy production, Joe Biden has canceled pipelines, reduced drilling on public lands, implemented new taxes on the oil and gas industry, and imposed ridiculous environmental standards that raise the operating costs for this critical industry. Before Biden took office, we were producing a record 13 million barrels of oil a day. Now? Roughly 11.6 million.

This administration's attacks on oil and gas have led us to prioritizing unreliable energy sources (like solar and wind), supplemented by dirty foreign oil and groveling to foreign leaders with worse environmental standards and labor records than our own. This ludicrous energy policy is hurting America’s prosperity and it must be reversed. As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, I’m doing everything I can to get common sense measures passed to get back the American energy dominance we’ve lost under this administration.
Watch Yeonmi Park and the entire lineup from the 2022 Crenshaw Youth Summit on YouTube or
That’s it for this week’s campaign brief. Thank you for reading.
In Service,
Dan Crenshaw
If you'd prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable and mail to: Dan Crenshaw for Congress, 5900 Memorial Drive, Suite 215, Houston, TX 77007.

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