The Hill: A disabled Navy veteran seeks to end discrimination by federal agency


Marty Hierholzer is a service-disabled veteran with a simple request: that the government look to his individual qualifications, rather than his skin color, when considering his eligibility for a federal program that helps small business owners facing social disadvantage.

Hierholzer is white, explain Ethan Blevins and Wen Fa, so—despite his documented disabilities—he has been turned away while others are ushered into the program based solely on racial favoritism.

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Daily Caller: The HEROES Act doesn’t authorize student debt handouts—President Biden can’t wish that fact away


In 2003, former Speaker of the House John Boehner, former Rep. John Kline, and former Rep. Howard McKeon wrote the HEROES Act and shepherded it through Congress. The aim of the HEROES Act is to alleviate student loan burdens for service members deployed in response to the 9/11 attacks.

Little did they know that two decades later, writes Michael Poon, their then-Senate colleague Joe Biden would use that statute as a pretext for one of the largest executive overreaches in American history.

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PLF talks student loan cancellations and the Supreme Court on ‘CNN Newsroom’


The Supreme Court heard arguments this week in two challenges to the Biden administration’s plan to cancel as much as $430 billion in federally held student loan debt.

Jessica Thompson joined “CNN Newsroom” for a post-argument debrief.

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The Center Square: Kansas town’s ‘co-living’ ban is bad, unconstitutional policy


Cities across the country continue to struggle with a common housing problem: rents are rising faster than income, and the supply of homes cannot keep up with demand.

David Deerson warns that misguided policies—like a “co-living” ban in Shawnee, Kansas—can actually make the problem worse while meddling in people’s personal lives and violating their rights.

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