Nearly 50,000 Democrats have taken my FIRST Democratic Priorities Survey of the new Congress and shared their feedback with me -- but I still don’t see your response.
It’s absolutely critical I reach 50,000 responses before midnight to get an accurate sample size and ensure Democrats have the feedback we need to strengthen our strategy in these early days and WIN. Will you take 30 seconds to record your response right away? It would mean so much to me. >> [link removed]
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I know how busy the new year is, but I just launched my FIRST Democratic Survey of the new Congress, and it would mean so much to me if you'd take 30 seconds to share your insights with me and help me build an unbeatable strategy to help Democrats succeed. Democrats shocked the nation and SHUT DOWN a Republican “red wave,” defended our Senate Majority, and achieved historic wins this election. Now, I need 50,000 of my top supporters to complete my first survey of the new Congress, so I know what is most important to you as we fight to take back the House and OUTSMART Republicans' plot to regain full power. Will you take 30 seconds to complete my survey before midnight? I can't overstate how much I'm relying on your feedback in these vital early days of the year to shape Democrats' path to victory. >> [link removed]
I know you're very busy, but so much has happened since the election, that I need to touch base to get your feedback on how Democrats move forward.
I just launched my FIRST survey of the new Congress. I can't overstate how much I'm relying on your input to outsmart Republicans and strengthen Democrats’ strategy going forward.
I’ve personally selected you to take my FIRST 2023 Democratic Priorities Survey and help me shape Democrats’ path to victory. Can I count on you to take my survey before midnight tonight? I need 50,000 of my top supporters to share their insights to help me get an accurate sample size and build an unbeatable Democratic strategy. Your insight in these early days of the year is critical to Democrats' path to take back the House and defend our progress. I’m counting on your feedback more than you know. >> [link removed]
I know how busy you are – so I promise to make this quick.
The first months following an election are CRITICAL to learning the lessons we need to WIN the next one. This is when we look at the data, compile the results, and make bold adjustments to our strategy going forward.
Which is why I just launched my FIRST Democratic Priorities Survey of 2023. I need feedback from 50,000 strong Democrats before midnight tonight to get an accurate sample size, and compile the results we need to strengthen our strategy and WIN going forward. It would mean so much if you could take 30 seconds to share your feedback with me before midnight tonight >> [link removed]
Here’s what we know:
– Democrats shocked the nation and shut down a Republican “red wave.”
– We defended our Senate Majority and kept Mitch McConnell out of power for good.
– But we also know that our precious House Majority slipped away by a razor-thin margin.
That means our fight to REGAIN our House Majority must start immediately – but I need you to have a seat at the table.
That’s why I just launched my FIRST Democratic Priorities Survey of the new Congress. I've personally selected you to take my survey, share your insights with me, and help Democrats shape our strategy going forward. I can't overstate how much I'm relying on your feedback in these vital early days to help Democrats TAKE BACK the House and OUTSMART Republicans' plot to regain full power. I need 50,000 responses before midnight to get an accurate sample size. Will you complete my survey before midnight? I need your feedback to be among the first I hear >> [link removed]
I’m looking forward to reading your responses!
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