Notes from Mike's Desk from the Week of February 27 – March 3, 2023
Hello, friends! Welcome back to my newsletter highlighting what’s happening on Capitol Hill and in Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District. Thank you for subscribing and please consider recommending my newsletter to a friend.
In our Judiciary Committee meeting this week, I was presiding when Democrats argued for radical abortion policies & insisted our rights are given to us by the government instead of God. This was my response:
I used my time during our House Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday to probe the Administration on their oversight plan for American dollars that have flowed to Ukraine over the last year. To date, we have sent over $100 billion in aid, and the American people deserve to know if the Ukrainian government is being entirely forthcoming and transparent about the use of this massive sum of taxpayer resources.
The crisis at our southern border is only worsening, which is why last week, I introduced a bill to strengthen border security and protection. The Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act is a bill I have filed in previous Congresses to help ensure the U.S. asylum system is no longer abused—but instead reserved only for people legitimately fleeing imminent harm in their home countries.
As longtime readers of the Liberty Letter know, hosting constituent town halls is one of my absolute favorite parts of the job. During a recent district work period, we held two town halls for new constituents in Grant and St. Landry Parishes whose homes now fall inside of the Fourth District due to redistricting. We had a great turnout at both events. Please be on the lookout for our next one!
In between town hall meetings, I stopped by Fort Polk for a great roundtable discussion about the exciting new projects underway at Fort Polk and the JRTC. I’m grateful to Brig. Gen. Gardner for his leadership.
I also had the opportunity to speak at the Red River Valley Association annual convention. Their efforts to support and advance programs to develop the land and water resources of the Red River Valley for the beneficial use of all are critical to the economic development and well-being of the millions of citizens who reside in our four state area.
And rounding out the district travel last week, I was honored to have been the keynote speaker at the Claiborne Parish Chamber of Commerce’s 57th annual banquet. I’ll always be an advocate for rural Louisiana’s small businesses and communities!
Our veterans deserve the best care possible, and unfortunately for one of my veteran constituents, the VA was not meeting his needs. This constituent has diabetes, and has been receiving glucose test strips from the VA to help treat it. Due to a dispute about medication, the VA decided that they would not send him these strips, forcing this constituent to pay out of pocket for the cost. After my office got involved, we were able schedule a new VA examination in which they agreed to continue providing him with the test strips. If you or a loved one are a veteran who feels you haven’t been treated fairly by the VA, please give my office a call at 318-840-0309.
This is not a Louisiana story, but it’s too incredible not to share. As many of you may have seen, there was a days-long revival event two weeks ago at Asbury University. People traveled thousands of miles to attend, and while they’ve finished for now, their call to worship has inspired at least 28 other universities to follow suit. Everyone who cares about the stability and future of America should be greatly encouraged by these developments.
And thank you all again for subscribing and reading. We’ll have more next week!
For freedom,
